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Chief of Police/ Sheriff


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Would be nice to see when playing as the Chief of Police or Sheriff you can command your officers or deputies to raid properties and arrest, they will shoot if shot at.


An ability to sentence criminals to execution by hanging them on the platforms outside jails.

Edited by .0008
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I expect hangings could be a real task to script properly, however I do hope the feature will be possible at some point!

It would be really cool to be able to jail 1-2 people per cell awaiting trial/execution depending on what they've done, then see the prisoners carry out their sentence. If, for example, they had caused a minor indiscretion like getting drunk and destroying some property, then you would see them in place of the man in Valentine repairing that fence (as an example). Perhaps prisoners belonging to gangs could be riskier to hold, as they could co-ordinate a breakout (with several gang members locked up at once), or pull a reverse Dutch's Gang & blow a hole outta the wall if you don't guard them closely enough. Haha all fun ideas at least in our imaginations 😊

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4 minutes ago, The Cheat said:

I expect hangings could be a real task to script properly, however I do hope the feature will be possible at some point!

It would be really cool to be able to jail 1-2 people per cell awaiting trial/execution depending on what they've done, then see the prisoners carry out their sentence. If, for example, they had caused a minor indiscretion like getting drunk and destroying some property, then you would see them in place of the man in Valentine repairing that fence (as an example). Perhaps prisoners belonging to gangs could be riskier to hold, as they could co-ordinate a breakout (with several gang members locked up at once), or pull a reverse Dutch's Gang & blow a hole outta the wall if you don't guard them closely enough. Haha all fun ideas at least in our imaginations 😊

I would love to see those ideas make the mod!

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43 minutes ago, The Cheat said:

Indeed! At the very least, even if we can't watch it all happen at first, we do need the ability to choose the severity of punishment for any crime, once it's possible to mod in 😁

I agree, it's amazing how much has been done in such a short space of time, imagine a few months from now.


Another idea I think would be nice ( if possible ) is handing over of criminals to a different agency, for example if someone who is wanted by the sheriff departments is caught and arrested by Saint Denis or Blackwater police then you can have a prisoner transport wagon ship them off to the appropriate department for a reward ?

Edited by .0008
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10 hours ago, .0008 said:

Would be nice to see when playing as the Chief of Police or Sheriff you can command your officers or deputies to raid properties and arrest, they will shoot if shot at.


An ability to sentence criminals to execution by hanging them on the platforms outside jails.


Yes! I would love if we were able to choose the punishment, that would be cool.

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Both of these would be incredible!!! Being the Sheriff would be awesome to be in charge and manage your guys. I would just be careful not to make it too much of a management simulator so you can still freely be cop. Summary Sentences like the use to do (hangings would be awesome) or even just other jail sentences or other things! 

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I think an addition that would be fun would be a police escort, where you and other officers have to protect valuable cargo get to its destination, such as guarding oil wagons and armoured wagons from outlaws and raiders or escort a most wanted criminal to the appropriate jail for jailing, execution or whatever sentencing can be added to it.


All for thought, I appreciate some of the of the ideas I've put forward may seem quite the task, but here's hoping😉

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Just a new idea that popped into my head. Has anyone thought of the possibility of adding another personal layer of depth by being able to recruit, in some fashion, deputies and other lawmen to your precinct that have their own names? If it's ever possible, maybe give them dedicated stats that grow and increase over time, unless they are fatally shot? Maybe for balance, they could be "killed" a few times, but really just be under bed rest and come back with, say a bandage on their head or hand for a while like I've seen the shopkeepers do? After a few downs, they die forever, if the option is/can be enabled?


I think that could even be implemented wherein only members of your direct posse of lawmen have stats, so as to lessen the programming burden and spread.

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39 minutes ago, The Cheat said:

Just a new idea that popped into my head. Has anyone thought of the possibility of adding another personal layer of depth by being able to recruit, in some fashion, deputies and other lawmen to your precinct that have their own names? If it's ever possible, maybe give them dedicated stats that grow and increase over time, unless they are fatally shot? Maybe for balance, they could be "killed" a few times, but really just be under bed rest and come back with, say a bandage on their head or hand for a while like I've seen the shopkeepers do? After a few downs, they die forever, if the option is/can be enabled?


I think that could even be implemented wherein only members of your direct posse of lawmen have stats, so as to lessen the programming burden and spread.

That would be very good! It would definately make having a partner or group feel more alive, if you see what I mean ? 


Nice suggestion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/6/2019 at 12:19 AM, The Cheat said:

Just a new idea that popped into my head. Has anyone thought of the possibility of adding another personal layer of depth by being able to recruit, in some fashion, deputies and other lawmen to your precinct that have their own names? If it's ever possible, maybe give them dedicated stats that grow and increase over time, unless they are fatally shot? Maybe for balance, they could be "killed" a few times, but really just be under bed rest and come back with, say a bandage on their head or hand for a while like I've seen the shopkeepers do? After a few downs, they die forever, if the option is/can be enabled?


I think that could even be implemented wherein only members of your direct posse of lawmen have stats, so as to lessen the programming burden and spread.

I actually really like all of these ideas a lot!

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Going down the brainstorming route - Choosing different agencies / Enforcement roles, with different bonus and jurisdiction? 


Bounty Hunter: Can pursue throughout the 3 States (or maybe only in states where they've a license?) Has no control over Prisoners once handed over, But can Have greater latitude in their doings? 


Sheriff of XXXXXXXX County: Can pursue targets within their county, enforce laws, may be called to other towns to collect or drop off a prisoner. Can determine what to do with prisoners (I.E. Execute, fine, give community work of some sort ---Knowing this wouldn't necessarily be within their scope but we don't seem to have any actual judicial system)


Federal Marshal - Full jurisdiction - similar to the way Bounty hunter works, but has some say of their prisoners. 


Revenue agent - Stops and inspects wagons (ships?) for contraband Gets tips about illicit operations in businesses? 

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I would like a Judge role to be added, because in the Old West lot of the small places had no local judges, but judges "riding circuit", meaning that they would move from place to place to hear cases and make decisions. Now maybe this is more of a REDM thing, but I would enjoy something like this in RDRFR too.

Edited by UncleT
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10 hours ago, Celtic12 said:

Going down the brainstorming route - Choosing different agencies / Enforcement roles, with different bonus and jurisdiction? 


Bounty Hunter: Can pursue throughout the 3 States (or maybe only in states where they've a license?) Has no control over Prisoners once handed over, But can Have greater latitude in their doings? 


Sheriff of XXXXXXXX County: Can pursue targets within their county, enforce laws, may be called to other towns to collect or drop off a prisoner. Can determine what to do with prisoners (I.E. Execute, fine, give community work of some sort ---Knowing this wouldn't necessarily be within their scope but we don't seem to have any actual judicial system)


Federal Marshal - Full jurisdiction - similar to the way Bounty hunter works, but has some say of their prisoners. 


Revenue agent - Stops and inspects wagons (ships?) for contraband Gets tips about illicit operations in businesses? 

Those are really good ideas, jurisdiction element especially.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/5/2019 at 3:23 PM, .0008 said:

I think an addition that would be fun would be a police escort, where you and other officers have to protect valuable cargo get to its destination, such as guarding oil wagons and armoured wagons from outlaws and raiders or escort a most wanted criminal to the appropriate jail for jailing, execution or whatever sentencing can be added to it.


All for thought, I appreciate some of the of the ideas I've put forward may seem quite the task, but here's hoping😉

I really like the idea of a mission type where you escort wagons with valuables. I think this would have fallen to the Pinkerton detectives who were hired by private companies as security. There could be an option to select a Pinkerton role instead of police, sheriff, etc where you do jobs such as this for private companies. There could be other Pinkerton jobs like breaking up strikes (a famous Pinkerton role) or guarding the Heartland Oil Fields or other properties from criminals. 

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On 2/22/2020 at 1:47 AM, Boxhands said:

I really like the idea of a mission type where you escort wagons with valuables. I think this would have fallen to the Pinkerton detectives who were hired by private companies as security. There could be an option to select a Pinkerton role instead of police, sheriff, etc where you do jobs such as this for private companies. There could be other Pinkerton jobs like breaking up strikes (a famous Pinkerton role) or guarding the Heartland Oil Fields or other properties from criminals. 


I agree that it would most likely be Pinkertons, but a good comprise could perhaps be a prisoner transport which you are supposed to protect. Same for mail I guess, since that is also done by government agents.

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  • 3 years later...

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