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I am not sure how far people have investigated this one, and I am wondering how it might be achievable if at all. Personally i do like the idea of being able to watch and identify animals, but I dislike how you are automatically shown the type and pelt quality after you identify one of an animal type. If there could be a way to just force it to always show "bird" instead of the type and pelt when aiming for example.


I had thought if possible some way remove the identifying effect after skinning and picking up animals might be one roundabout way (leaving the only way to identify them to study them), another similar thought would be to somehow remove whatever flag gets set when an animal group is identified (whichever one makes all animals of that type that you aim at automatically identified).


Other than that would there be a way to have a script identify if the player is aiming at an animal from a distance, and removing that identifying effect perhaps? Or somehow making the pelt quality UI (in the bottom right when aiming at a distance) invisible at least?


Apologies if it has already been discussed, still pretty new here.

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