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/*bone index*/
int left_hand = 37709;
int right_hand = 7966;
int neck = 14284;
int mouth = 9650;



Blip treasure = MAP::_BLIP_ADD_FOR_ENTITY(408396114, object);
static Blip _BLIP_ADD_FOR_ENTITY(Hash blipHash, Entity entity) { return invoke<Any>(0x23F74C2FDA6E7C61, blipHash, entity); } // 0x23F74C2FDA6E7C61 b1207
static void SET_BLIP_NAME_FROM_TEXT_FILE(Blip blip, const char* gxtEntry) { invoke<Void>(0x0A062D6D7C0B2C2C, blip, gxtEntry); } // 0x0A062D6D7C0B2C2C b1207
Blip horse = MAP::_BLIP_ADD_FOR_ENTITY(-1230993421, mount);
if (MAP::DOES_BLIP_EXIST(horse)) {
static BOOL DOES_BLIP_EXIST(Blip blip) { return invoke<BOOL>(0xCD82FA174080B3B1, blip); } // 0xCD82FA174080B3B1 b1207


// set enemy blip "little red dot in mini map"
Any iVar4 = MAP::_0x23F74C2FDA6E7C61(MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("BLIP_STYLE_ENEMY"), ped);
MAP::_0x662D364ABF16DE2F(iVar4, 2096805056);
MAP::_0x662D364ABF16DE2F(iVar4, 1086257954);

some visual effects they are mostly used when the game transitions instances or when you respawn

GRAPHICS::_0x3A9A281FF71249E9("RespawnPulseMP01", 500);
GRAPHICS::_0x3A9A281FF71249E9("RespawnMissionCheckpoint", 1250);
GRAPHICS::_0x3A9A281FF71249E9("MP_MatchEndPulseWinner", 3000);
GRAPHICS::_0x3A9A281FF71249E9("MP_MatchEndPulseLoser", 3000);


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it works for both; someone told me they used gta's bone index but it didn't work for me. idk about animals they structure is alittle different but idk it should work for them as well. 


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I asked because in this thread:


We tested some stuff and bone values came back differently multiple times. I also notice that when applying force e.g. to the forearms, some npcs flail their arms (like its supposed to happen) and some just do nothing. The behavior stays the same wheter I use the index or the bone name.

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the reason i say it does, because i use it for my trigger-bot i tested 2 values and they work. i pulled the values from the decompiled scripts and they used the values to attaches weapons n cigars etc. here my code i've test it on i could give it another go tho and draw text on surrounded peds. 

void set_trigger_bot() {
if (aiming_at_entity && PLAYER::GET_ENTITY_PLAYER_IS_FREE_AIMING_AT(player_id(), &entity)) {
Vector3 m_pos = PED::GET_PED_BONE_COORDS(player_ped_id(), 9650, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
Vector3 e_pos = PED::GET_PED_BONE_COORDS(entity, 9650, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
MISC::SHOOT_SINGLE_BULLET_BETWEEN_COORDS(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_pos.z, e_pos.x, e_pos.y, e_pos.z, 1, true, MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("weapon_sniperrifle_rollingblock"), player_ped_id(), false, false, -1.f, false);


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//another find for native triggerbot/aimbot
int boneindex = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_BONE_INDEX_BY_NAME(player_ped_id(), "Gun_Muzzle");
Vector3 m_pos = ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(player_ped_id(), boneindex);


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