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Does anyone know how to disable hotkeys on PDO? [PED Damage Overhaul]


I'm having issues since the update. Before the update I actually had PDO setup like this >

Kill Wounded Key = K

Longer Bleedout Key = L

It actually WORKED to DISABLE them. K and L did not trigger the mods also. Which is what I wanted. 4 Hotkeys for one mod is a little much in my opinion, only in that you can only use F Keys. If it was the whole keyboard, 4 is nothing. 

Now though, whenever I put anything other than numbers 1 - 12 it just reverts back to it's original value which is 8 and 9 or something like that. I've tried several combinations with no joy. Combinations I've tried >

Kill Wounded Key = K                      [actually worked before the update]

Kill Wounded Key = 13 [because there is no F13 key I figured I'd try lol]

Kill Wounded Key =                                    [I left it totally blank, why not]

Kill Wounded Key = 0      [zero usually disables something, right? nope]


Ugh, I think I figured out a solution to my own problem. Go figure. So apparently setting everything to 7 would make it so that you only had one hotkey which would be to enable or disable the mod. It seems to override the other keys and not toggle them. 

ToggleKey = 7

KillWoundedKey = 7
LongerBleedoutKey = 7 
FirendlyFireKey = 7 

If friendly fire is set to always on, it doesn't matter what you have assigned, it will not toggle. 

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