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Mod Request - Custom Prices


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I'm looking for a mod that allows users to set their own custom prices through an ini file. Would this be possible? For instance, I could change the price of the meat I get from animals, the value of their skins, the value of their claws. I could set my own food prices. Basically an ini file that has all the prices in the game and you can go through and change them. If not, anyone know how I could manually change prices? How difficult of a process would it be?

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You can manually change nearly all ingame buy or sell prices within the catalog_sp.ymt file. The process is pretty simple, but a little time consuming. For example, to change the selling price of an Elks fur, you'd have to edit sell prices under PROVISION_ELK_FUR, PROVISION_ELK_FUR_POOR, and PROVISION_ELK_FUR_PRISTINE. Every animal has 3 quality levels and some have legendary as well. Just for animals and their parts in the game, there are 400 plus edits to be made, assuming you'd want to change them all.

Also worth noting that if you extract the catalog_sp file from the game files it will be in all hashes, which you'd have to figure out so you can edit the right things. This is also time consuming. However, you can find other mods with the catalog_sp file to use as reference or edit them yourself. 

Edited by Zeniver
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Hey brother, I'm going to give it a shot. Gahlee, yeah now I see why no one has released an INI for all prices lol. 400 Edits! Lol.

But I can't thank you enough for your help. It really is so hard to find information about modding Red Dead and I'm always one to google my butt off and I just could not find the information. So I really thank you. You sound like a modder with your knowledge! I'm definitely willing to give it shot. I'll make sure to backup the files in case I screw something up. I'll report back just for consistency sake and for others. Thank you once again!

Could I ask, do you know anything about PED Flags? Where I could find information on them? I feel like you could make some really cool things with RAMPAGE Trainer in a simple way because it has a "flags" in the PED section. I can not find any information about flags at all. Literally brings up actual flags when trying a google search. RAMPAGE even has a section for "flags" for the player I believe. I just can't find a list of flags. I'm sure there is a file you could point me to that I could reference that has a lot of PED Flags in it? Like how you told me to look at catalog_sp.ymt file.

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Also I used the catalog_sp from RDRoffline. I wasn't sure what you were meaning about extracting it from the game files and having a bunch of hashes now I know what you mean. Thank God I don't have to do that lol, don't think I could to be honest with the limited amount of information on this game. I wish Rockstar would be friendly to the modders.   

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Hey brother, it's working great! I thought I broke it but it turns out it was a conflicting mod that was causing ST DENIS to crash. I thought I broke it because I tried editing gun prices at first. So I was testing at ST DENIS gunsmith and it would keep crashing. Wasn't even the catalog file that was wrong lol. All gun prices work. Gonna see if I can get a price on the VOLCANIC PISTOL as it's free. Discounted in unmodded game as well, I think it's normal. No big deal really, I can live with it being free. 

It's not as bad as I had thought now that I've got the hang of it. When you search for provision you'll get multiple instances of that search. I found the key is to identify what the starting phrase looks like. It has <item key="ITEM_NAME_" then you have to scroll a little ways down to find the price value. I can't thank you enough bro! 

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No problem. PED Flags? Like models? Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean.  

If you search these in the catalog, you'll be able to find most things you are looking for and stick to specific groups that you want to edit, since you are using the RDO catalog. Some of them do not apply to the base game catalog. All things hunting will be under the provision group.



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Awh heck yeah man thank you. I was learning the WEAPON_(INSERT TYPE OF WEAPON HERE) through trial and error. WEAPON_RIFLE or WEAPON_SHOTGUN when I was changing prices for weapons, and just recently did some ammo changes and learned AMMO_INSERT TYPE HERE. All are working really well. But this list is exactly what I was going to be needing, thanks friend. So, I changed ammo successfully, I was just toying with the quantity and the quantity works, but the catalog doesn't reflect the quantity change because it's the catalogue description. So, ammo quantity is set to > 30. It does indeed give me > 30. But the catalogue description says 60. For obvious reasons because I never altered that file as I don't know where catalog descriptions are? Do you know where those are? 

As for PED Flags, it's like a flag for peds I guess that allows them to fulfill different conditions. Example. Spawn in a PED using RAMPAGE trainer, or multiple PEDS, and it has an option to enter a flag for the PED. I'm thinking flags such as ways to set them as GUARDS, cowards who flee, hell maybe even a flag to make them BLIND? There is a blind guy in the game after all. Haven't tried killing him to see how he would react. See if he stumbles about like a blind man or if they didn't bother lol. Maybe a flag to set someone as a marshal. Or flags that don't allow them to die, flags that make them deaf so they can't hear noise made by player. Stuff like that? 

Anyways, I created a separate topic for that because I didn't realize I was creating two different topics. I just called it PED FLAGS or something like that. My apologies mate! Just wanted to explain what I meant by flags because I confused you. I may be off base anyways lol. It might be something totally different. Rampage is buggy anyways. I can not get PEDS to save with weapons. Even if I manually edit XML file and manually add weapon hashes to them, so I give up on that.

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I see what you mean by PED flags now. Sorry about that lol. So when you change the ammo amounts, they will show up correct in the customize menu to buy. But in order for them to show up right in the catalog for your changes, you can make a strings file to go along with it. 

It's some work to make it happen though. You can find good references for it if you look at mods like WhyEm's DLC or 1899 Firearms. They have Strings.gxt2 files with changes that correspond with changes made inside the catalog for the descriptions/menus. 

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So I just looked to see if I had any string files and I did have one from RDRoffline mod. There is literally only one description but it reads like this

WEAPON_THROWN_BOLAS_DESC = A thrown weapon used to entangle the legs.

So I imagine I can't just throw in my own lines into the RDRoffline file? Or even 1899 or WhyEm's correct? I could only modify what is already there? Or am I misunderstanding?


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I think I actually have WhyEm's DLC already downloaded just not installed. Oh yep I do. Okay, so I'm seeing how the catalog works. What is the best way to find hashes? I have used RAMPAGE for certain hashes but that would be a nightmare to acquire all the hashes from RAMPAGE. I'd have to go around pointing a debug gun at stuff or something lol. Then you can't even log or copy to clipboard so I'd have to manually type the hash out to a notepad. Tedious as hell lol.  I seen on here there is a hash converter, but I haven't the faintest idea how to even go about using it. I'll check for a tutorial on it, I know there has to be one on here.   

I'm loving this format though on the strings.gxt2 lol. Literally Insert Hash Value = Description. So that is awesome in comparison to the catalog file. But the finding each hash for each item will be the thing that would take the most time. But I would definitely like to pursue it because little details such as the catalog description not reflecting what's actually going on would bug the hell out of me lol.

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Okay I think I've found a list of available hash codes on github. RDR3 Discoveries. 



^ I'm gonna try with one type of ammo and see what happens lol. I'll report back with results. 

Moderator turned me on the RDR3 Discoveries website, been a huge help!


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Alright. So. Conundrum. I got the catalog description to work but turns out that wasn't what I was talking about it's like this little floating overlay message box? Like a popup that describes what you're buying. There is the catalogue, and then in the left bottom corner a little popup/overlay box that tells you what you're buying. I can not find any info on what that would be. To change what's on the actual catalogue paper it's _CATALOGUEDESC.

I even see one that says _TIP I think that's like a toast notification in the upper left hand corner. But not one for that little popup in the bottom left corner. 


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Alright. So. Conundrum. I got the catalog description to work but turns out that wasn't what I was talking about it's like this little floating overlay message box? Like a popup that describes what you're buying. There is the catalogue, and then in the left bottom corner a little popup/overlay box that tells you what you're buying. I can not find any info on what that would be. To change what's on the actual catalogue paper it's _CATALOGUEDESC.

I even see one that says _TIP I think that's like a toast notification in the upper left hand corner. But not one for that little popup in the bottom left corner. 


Red Dead 01.png

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So the price change was reflected, just a temporary price to see if it would work, so that's good, also a temporary description and it worked. But that bottom left hand prompt I can't figure out which is actually what I meant, but wrongly referred to it as the catalog. Also, when you hit read, it brings up the description that's on the catalogue. So apparently CATALOGUEDESC writes to the actual catalogue and a full screen popup. I'll attach pictures. 

Red Dead 02.png

Red Dead 03.png

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I plan to leave the descriptions the same as they were originally, just modify the amount given so that it reflects the true value. So I'd also have to type those out, which wouldn't be that bad for ammo and things because there isn't a whole lot. 

Edited by joebeefhash
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Yeah there's RDR3 Discoveries, there's some lists here on RDR2mods. You can try https://rdr2.mooshe.tv/hashes/. There is also the YMT Unhasher at https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/951. Though, only hashes that have been discovered and added will work in the Unhasher. 

So I don't personally know how to change that box as I haven't got around to editing my catalog for changes yet. But I do know you can change it. In 1899 Firearms, those boxes are changed to correspond with the ammo so I'd take a look at his mod to see how he does it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all! I am new to this site and was wondering if anywhere there is a mod that allows us to sell cocain gum chewing tobacco, cigarettes and premium cigarettes and perhaps even open gin, bourbon candies. They really clutter my inventory and I would love a mod that allows me to sell them to make an extra buck this way :D. I know I can just drop them, but I'd much rather sell them. And if not, is it hard to learn how to edit the game files to sell them myself? I am a complete noob when it comes to this game modding. Thank you in advance for your answers.

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I'm still learning myself but I'm a quick learner and for one thing I try several things out over and over, modifying one value at a time and monitoring changes, rinse and repeat. If you create backups, it's totally safe. I mess my game up all the time by modifying the wrong values are setting a bad value. I just copy over my backed up file, replacing the crappy one that I messed up and I'm back for Round 2 :) 

I'm not TOTALLY sure but I think it may be like this

> Items that are already in the catalog and that can be sold, can EASILY be modified. You literally change a value to what you want, save the file, quit. It's really easy.

> Items that can not be sold have a few extra steps that need to be taken. If you're a noob to modding it might be a bit of a pain, but I'm going to try simply adding sellprices to cocaine_gum and see what happens. If it works you're in luck as that will not be hard at all. 

I'm not sure about the second > point. I will test it out right now and find out. I'll start with COCAINE GUM! lol 

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Thanks dude. Yes by default, cocaine gum, chewing tobacco,  cigarettes and premium cigarettes CANNOT be sold. Only bought. Which really was annoying cause buying them is expensive as hell (6 dollars for chewing tobacco?). If you try to sell them it always says the shopkeeper is not interested in this item and has 0.00 dollar value, which is what should be changed as well as perhaps adding a shopkeeper that is interested in it somehow. I would also love to sell opened gin and opened kentucky bourbon or opened fine brandy in addition to cocaine gum, cigarettes and tobacco. Basically I wanna make Arthur Morgan a drug dealer lol. 

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I agree, it's stupid. Most people say "you can discard them in the satchel" and I'm like nah....that's even worse lol.


Bro, I've managed to get the price to show but I've not got a shopkeeper to buy it yet. I am still trying, I've tried several things. 

I tried so many different things yesterday I'm going to try a different approach. I'm going to try replacing something with the cocaine gum just for educational purposes. If I could just replace something I feel I could possibly figure it out, hopefully. I don't think this an area that's impossible. I know lots of things are impossible in this game at the moment. I've not seen one custom gun or a custom animation and a game like Fallout 4 has several. It's not the modders, it's a Rockstar game design thing. Unknown hash codes that have still yet to be deciphered. Pain in the butt really!

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So I am not the first asking for this? Well that is a relief. The more who want it, the bigger the chance someone will do it one day. Hopefully it is you :D. I think that putting a price on those items is just the start. If you remember, you can see prices of items even at shop owners who won't buy it from you. For example if you go to a fence to sell stuff, and you scroll through your items, you will see he wont buy herbs of you, but you can still see the prices of herbs (25 cents for most if not all). Same if you try to sell gold bars at a doctor: You can see the selling price of the gold bar (500 dollars) but you can't sell it to him, because it will say that this shopkeeper is not interested in this item. So the first step is to add a value to the items we can't sell, and the second step is to enable  the actual ability to sell them to a shopkeeper. I presume in the game files, some items selling capability is closed to certain shop keepers. For example, selling of meat is closed/not possible to all shopkeepers except butchers, or selling gold bars is closed/not possible to all vendors other than fences. So it must be a way to make a shopkeeper interested in the item besides setting a price. Because if you can make a shopkeeper buy a certain item that costs 0.00 dollars, you will be able to sell it to him, but for 0.00 dollars. Meaning for free. I actually experienced this in game. You can "sell" items that have a set value of 0.00 dollars to a vendor. But I forgot what and to whom I sold :D. So again, setting a price is just the first step, if all the vendors, shopkeepers and not programmed to want to buy that item off of you. Hope what I said makes sense :D. And I hope you figure it out dude. You are the best for even trying!

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Thanks for your kind words friend! Getting the values to show up is pretty easy, it's that second part that seems to be tricky. I just put a default value of 12345 and it showed up as $123.45. But like you said, "this shopkeeper isn't interested in this item" was the issue. 

I think it has to do with the shopinventories lst but I'm not totally sure. I've been following a guide loosely that's meant for adding explosive ammo to the fence for purchase, so I was thinking well, that's not TOO FAR from what I'm trying to do here, but too bad there isn't a guide for how to sell things that can't be sold. 


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