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RDR 2 - Sudden FPS drop. LML to be the cause?


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Hello gentlemen,

First of all, thank you for the work you put in for the mods in this game, RDR 2 is not that mod friendly game as others.

I want to apologise if I put this topic in the wrong section, if so, please let me know and you can move it to the correct section.


I have finished RDR 2 twice, I have over 650 hours played on it.

Lately, I have started the game for the 3rd time to play it all over again, but this time with mods.


The mods I have installed are : Basic Needs ( needs.asi, needs.ini, needs.dat )  LML, scriphook, nativetrainer,asi , a mod that lets you sit down on almost any chair/bench and thats about it . Nothing about outfits, bank robberies , no graphics overhaul whatsoever.


However, since I have installed those mods, I have been getting this strange out of the sudden FPS drops. my normal FPS rate is I think around 30-40 fps , and then suddenly it gets to maybe like 3-5 fps, that keeps only 5 seconds long and then gets back to normal.

its just like in this Reddit post video, same problem : https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/olpzf5/ive_been_getting_sudden_fps_drops_in_the_game_for/



Is it possible that there are some conflicts with the LML ? or Scripthook ? Or any mod in general that been causing this ? 

Because never, not even once while playing the game twice have I ever experienced something like this.


Here are my system specs:

  CPU Brand:  AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics

  Speed:  2895 Mhz
    16 logical processors
    8 physical processors

Operating System Version:
    Windows 10 (64 bit)

Video Card:
    Driver:  AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics
    DirectX Driver Name:  nvldumd.dll
    Driver Version:  27.20.22001.24003
    DirectX Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 12 15 2021
    OpenGL Version: 4.6
    Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
    Monitor Refresh Rate: 144 Hz
    DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti


    RAM:  15789 MB


Storage :

Number of SSDs: 1
    SSD sizes: 512G
    Number of HDDs: 0


As solutions I already tried the next things : 

Lower my graphics a bit ( not much lower that I used before)

Set CPU affinity CPU to 4 and not all of them marked.

Disabled/Enabled some settings that might had caused the problem but to no avail.



Thats about it , would be really glad if someone could help me with this ..


Thank you ! 



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LML might cause performance issues on slow disks since there is an I/O overhead. Since you are on a SSD, this should not be the case, though. To verify, you can remove vfs.asi and see if it helps your framerate.

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15 hours ago, LMS said:

LML might cause performance issues on slow disks since there is an I/O overhead. Since you are on a SSD, this should not be the case, though. To verify, you can remove vfs.asi and see if it helps your framerate.



I have done for now something that as weird as it might sound, it works a bit better, at least for now.

I have disabled my cloud savings , completly deleted the folder and let the game save on my own PC , not on Cloud/One Drive, also once again set my affinity of CPU's to 4 and for now , during 1 full hour of gameplay, I have experienced the issue only one single time, to be honest if its happens just one or two times per hour I dont mind it, but not every 5-10 minutes.


However, I will keep playing it and let you know how it progress, if starts once again like before, I will remove the vfs.asi.


Thanks ! 



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