We will no longer be updating this trainer.
All good things must come to a end.
We are burnt out and I personally rather step away from rdr to focus on more important things.
We do plan to open source this trainer, but atm there is no E.T.A.
0.6 is now released!
With 0.6 you are required to use ScriptHookRDR v1.5.1.
Added Weapon Model Changer (This replaced Knife To Sword), Swap knife models, change weapons to use there unused gold variants, change lemat to use topbreak/walker models, etc.
- At times weapon positions can bug out, and sometimes weapon restore/model change can bug out and not restore/swap. Must reboot if this happens.
Added Horse/Draft Speed editor
Teleports now has a AIO teleport menu (lacks interior/out of map), did this for those that prefer a AIO.
Added Mount Component Editor
You can now spawn/use "some" undead nightmare actors in normal mode. ID's [1222-1227, 1239, 1252 - 1253, 1255 - 1265, 1273 - 1286]
You can now spawn/use the DLC test actor [ID 836]
Added the ability to swap johns outfit states (You can now use undead nightmare outfits in normal mode, same in vice versa)
Spawned objects from object spawner now have a spawned objects sub menu where you can target and act on that spawned object
- Free Move the object, disable collision against you, manually edit pos, add a glow type, enable physics (buggy for alot of objects)
Added a Misc Menu
Added DLC Misc in Misc Menu (Allows some dlc objects to now spawn with object spawner and allows zombify menu options to show up in the menu in normal mode)
Added DLC Sounds in Misc Menu (Allows dlc songs to work in the song player while in normal mode)
Added DLC Maps in Misc Menu (Allows a new menu "Multiplayer Map Options", and some Undead map options to now show up in World Options)
---- The reason these dlc options are in misc is because I didn't really know where to put them, and I also didn't want them to auto be on/enabled on menu execute.
---- Some of these dlc options will throw a error, ideally the game still let's you play. So you can ignore these errors if they occur.
Added Draw Player Bones to misc menu (this will highlight your model bones)
Added Allow Custom Peds to Misc Options (This will allow MPPLAYER_DLC33 - MPPLAYER_DLC55 unused actor slots to use your defined models)
-- So just execute this then change your model to one of those models/or spawn a ped. You will have to define them in the custom_ped_models.txt file.
-- However just know the models you choose will act like a normal player model. You have to use valid actor models. You can get model names from the fragment rpfs.
-- Blackwater kid from previous update has been removed to allow one more slot for your own defined ped models.
-- I have supplied a placeholder txt doc already filled with random actor models.
Added multiplayer map options (must go to misc menu and click DLC Maps) then in World menu, multiplayer map options will now appear.
-- Here you can load a varity of the xbox 360/ps3 multiplayer objects/maps
Added more Map options (Blackwater bank upper and lower levels, Blackwater building shades, Cochinay door/gate states, El presido door/gate state, Theives landing door and window state)
-- You can now also load "The Undead World", this attempts to load the undead map in normal mode, however you must go to misc menu and click dlc maps for this to show up.
-- No this does not make the world load zombies everywhere. This literally just loads the undead map states including catacombs (catacombs is not fully accesible due to world height issues)
Added more game songs to song player and Abc ordered songs
Added a way to play mp3 files. This uses's fmod, and yes the .dll is mandatory. Just put your mp3 files in SilentVirtues folder\sounds.
-- Right now safe limit of songs to add is max of 40
Added custom hats menu for spawned peds (Specified peds only)
Added weapon rapid fire menu [Here you can make certain weapons have rapid fire as well as choose the fire speed]
Ambient actor menu has been replaced with World Actors.
-- You can now act on all actors loaded, options however are limited right now. Clicking a actor will bring you to a submenu to act only on that actor.
Model changer will now let you change your model on a mount/while in a vehicle.
Re-did how player model changer works, you will now be able to vault/climb objects
-- You should also be able to start mission triggers, minigames, activities, etc. But this is mostly untested.
Made outfit selector be a menu now instead of a left/right selection
Added cloth pinning to outfit selector
-- This modifies the cloth pinning flexability for duster and legend of the west type outfits
Added cutscene model changer for the player in model changer
-- This allows you to change the actor model you will be seen as in cutscenes.
-- Some cutscenes however ignore this, as a bypass for iffy cutscenes just change your actual player model.
-- Primarily this issue occurs with undead nightmare cutscenes.
Made the wind a menu where you can modify the wind strength and direction
Added disable vehicle ejection
Autobuilds now save the new object options (glow, collision, physics)
-- You will have to manually modify all old autobuilds and add the 3 new entries to every object in your autobuild.
Provision and consumables editor now have logic that shows the item images and item price as well as item descriptions if present.
-- A menu option in menu options Called "Allow External Images" will allow/disallow these images, by default this is turned OFF.
-- Turn this on if you wish to see the images, we advise that if you plan to use this feature for this mod option or for future mod options
-- that you have a 8gb+ capable graphics card, else you will be met with VRAM issues. Consider this your warning.
Spawnable Objects are now abc orderd.
Added the ability to change the menu font (not all fonts are perfect due to text scaling)
Teleport to waypoint bug fixed: Mount/vehicle will now go with you.
Fixed a issue where deadeye level wouldn't persist across gamesave reloads
Fixed a issue where deadeye timescale wouldn't persist across gamesave reloads
Fixed a issue where fill deadeye, and inf deadeye wouldn't always fully refill the deadeye level
Fixed a issue where inf deadeye wasn't filling the deadeye on script reloads/save reloads if saved to the ini
Fixed it so menu options now shows Header Color, and or Header Image Color instead of "menu color"
Fixed it so [Free cam, noclip, object spawner, binocular] options now work with a controller
Re-worked zombify off for player
Changed some options around
Changed speech player image
Backend code changes/cleanup blah blah.
Ped Riot was re-worked in 0.5, forgot to mention it.
Valid MPPLAYER_DLC Actors can now be used via model changer/ped spawner (Red Harlow, etc)
-- MPPLAYER_DLC33 is the "blackwater kid", Don't consider this a MPPLAYER model, because it's not.
Added Remappable keyboard keys (so long as ScriptHookRDR supports them, you can use Key helper in menu options to know key id's for buttons pressed)
Added Basic Controller support, with remappable keys, for now. (key helper wont help here with these as there's only so many buttons for controllers)
-- Some options will not work right with a controller (free camera, noclip, object spawner, etc)
Added Allow Controller in menu settings, this is so you can enable/disable the ability to use a controller for menu control.
Renamed the ini the trainer loads to silent_virtues.ini.
Finally got our searchbar how we wanted, so some menus will be list view type where you can search. - Listview for menus is still WIP
Added a header image (if header image is enabled a header color option will appear which allows you to change the header image color)
-- If header image is disabled, you will instead see a "menu color" option, basically the same as header color, but it will let you modify the solid color of the header instead.
Added more menu icons
Added more menu/scroll bar colors
Added font colors
Added Menu Startup Transition (This allows a short open menu animation for mainmenu text to play on first menu open phase)
Added a ini settings info window (this shows settings that can be saved to the ini, besides remappable keys)
Added Noclip (yep it's back)
Added Fill Health for player
Added Speech Player (works so long as the player model you are using has the speech lines!)
Added Cutscene Player (right now it just plays cutscene parts, we will try to full map these out later)
Added Jump Height editor
Added Rope Binds (add hogtie ropes to yourself)
Added a Stats Editor (yep it's back but now you can modify most stats, still a WIP.)
Added Delete spawned object by index
Added Run Speed modifier menu
Added Timescale editor
Added Camera Menu per request (free camera has moved here)
Added Static Camera (has follow player, and tp cam to current pos also)
Added Binoculars (this is a custom binoculars option)
Added Roll to free camera per request
Added Zombie spit to special weapons (can only be used in undead)
Added Explosive rounds (it's back, however you can now set the explosion type)
Added Killbot (idk what to call this mod tbh, but it's back)
Added Knife To Sword (this turns your knife into a sword, will have to full reboot game to remove sword)
Added Fix plant/tree dither effect (people have complained about this since the switch port, however trees and plants now have sudden pop-in)
-- Grass is unaffected by this currently
Added Disable Tumbleweeds (stops tumbleweeds from spawning)
Added Clear Decals (will remove bullet holes and stuff of that nature)
Added Untame Mounts (unsure if this actually does it correctly, but it's a method none the less)
Added Specified ped anim changer
Added Specified ped task setter
Added Zombify for all peds (must be in undead nightmare)
Added Zombify for specified peds (must be in undead nightmare)
Added Set Faction for player
Added Set Gender for player (Useless I guess, however the game does use it)
Added Clear Bounty, this removes the bounty state currently on you (in most cases), as well as resets the actual bounties to 0, as well as reflects bounty stats to 0.
Added No Wanted, if you are wanted when this is turned on, you will have to leave the area and or kill all active cops, or use clear bounty.
Added Unlock Outfits, this unlocks every outfit for john/jack, so long as they are valid for them (meaning the game actually has the outfit set up to unlock for them).
Added Save Mount, this will set whatever mount you are on to your save (must save game and reload, and works so long as the mount ID is valid to be saved to a gamesave)
Added Pause/Unpause game (freeze world)
Added Honor editor
Added Fame editor
Added Money editor
Added Unlock Safe Houses (W.I.P, doors stay locked still)
Added Save Game (forces a autosave, only works on non cheat marked saves)
Added Cinematic Vehicle Camera to vehicle spawner options (might move to the camera menu later)
Added Clear Corpses (forces the world to clean up dead actors, can take 5-10 seconds after actor death to force a cleanup)
Added Don't Holster Weapons
Added Show Waypoint Distance
Added Custom Hat's for player
Added ER Rounds (this makes most weapons have actual explosive rifle rounds, however for snipers it removes the overlay, and weapons can be slightly offset and not positioned correctly, we will fix this later)
Added Autobuild (here you can save your spawned objects to a file, load them, delete them, etc)
Adjusted a few "Specify by index" descriptions to now show valid actor/object names if they are valid, if not it will now say invalid, etc.
Added way more objects to object spawner (some will only load under specific conditions, undead, normal, etc)
Adjusted object spawner to allow 300 props
Added vehicles section to object spawner
Teleport to waypoint should be better now and tp to the location way faster
Per request we have made the bridge states there own toggles instead of all in one
Per request we have added a toggle for teleport to interiors/map change locations.
We have made the marston grave states now toggable per grave
Re-did inf ammo (this is our old alt inf ammo which combines no reload into the function, the no reload option was removed, no reload works as long as theres not a forced reload anim to be played for the weap)
Re-did display info print in menu options
Moved every shot counts mod to self options
Fixed some bugs with every shot counts mod
Fixed free camera turning
Fixed submenu entry > identifier to no longer bug out and show >> or > before menu option names.
Fixed a bug where if you spawned a mount while in a vehicle things could glitch out, same in vice versa.
Model changer will now properly carry over weapons that were in your inventory, instead of a forced give all.
Experimental Fix provision sell/quest handin option (use this only if you get the unable to sell/hand in bug)
Modified achievements to let you unlock individual achievements
Provision editor has been slightly changed (experimental for now)
Cheats will now let you lock all or unlock all cheats, it will also remove unused net cheats (those were the no named cheats that did nothing, people hated them for some reason, so oh well)
Alot of backend code cleanup and redo, nothing you will really notice on the surface.
Fixed bodyguards so they aren't forced into god mode if ped god mode option isn't enabled.
You might notice a few things moved around in the menu.
Renamed Singleplayer Options to Gamesave Options
There's probably more I have forgot about.
The menu is still a work in progress so please be patient.
Some options can now be saved to ini
Some stuff in the menu has moved around to more appropriate menus.
Some options now have a search bar which is enabled via pressing F6 (this is still being worked on to be incorperated into other options)
Added a menu background image (you can make your own image if you want)
Added some images for main menu options (you can also make your own if you want)
Added free camera with some misc controls/fov changer
Added disable hud
Added mount/vehicle visibility
Added ghost mode
Added no reload (works mostly on weapons that dont have a forced reload anim)
Added hogtie gun
Added clear weapon pickups
Added teleport gun
You can now give individual weapons, and remove individual weapons.
Added hide holster weapons, this allows you to turn certain holster weapons invis on your player model
Deadeye colors has some newer colors
Added teleport to waypoint (now toggle based so you dont have to constantly click teleport to waypoint)
Added ability to force double bandolier active + shells for bandito outfit
Added the ability to save up to 10 favorite models for model changer
Outfit editor now shows outfit names
Added the ability to change hour and minute of the world
Made time acceleration better
Added ability to sync game time to system time (real world time)
Added ability to disable world generated ambient actors
Added ambient actor menu to see ambient actors that are loaded and do some basic stuff, such as tp or delete them
Added ability to change what horses you have when spawning a vehicle
Added ability to allow car/truck engine sounds
Added ability to add some underglow or fx to the vehicle you are in
Allowed mount spawner to allow 3 spawns max for now.
Added ability to specify a mount to act on via index
Added undead horse fx to accessories
Added ability to give spawned mounts god mode
Added ability to teleport/delete a specified mount
Allowed up to 15 peds to be spawned, was originally 10.
Added spawned ped god mode (works only for ALL peds atm)
Added spawned ped animation player (works only for ALL peds atm)
Added a specify ped option to do certain things to only certain peds
-(toggle hat, edit model components, give weapon, target a vehicle for them to be in, target a mount for them to be on, teleport, delete)
Ped spawner is still being worked on!
Added a object spawner, right now it is limited to 50 props
Added singleplayer options menu to this version of the menu (still lacking some features)
Added back provision and consumable editor
Added back unlock all cheats
Added back unlock all achievements
Added "Every Shot Counts" cheat code bypass, to allow it to work after death. Had to mock up a system for this.
Added ped riot
Added a "FAKE" drivable train to vehicle spawner
Added anim set changer (this is more or less a walk style changer)
Added a wind editor
Added disable some vegetation that can appear around the map
Fixed ridgewood farm map option from disabling all house props on toggles
Fixed model changer to carry over items (consumables, kits, provisions)
Alot of backend changes, cleanup, function re-work stuff you wont notice on the surface.
There's probably more I forgot about.
The menu is still a work in progress so please be patient.
Initial scripthook version release
WSC script has been deprecated.
WSC script update
Initial WSC script release.
Menu Is Currently Targeting These Game Versions
These are noted for update compatibility. If you don't see a update version here, then some options may not work/crash your game.
So if a update comes out, please be patient. This menu is not our main focus, we will update mod options when we can.
V1.01 - v40_PC-49078035
V1.02 - v42_PC-49788435
General Mods This Trainer Offers
God Mode
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Horse Stamina (Mount and wagon)
No Mount Death Timer
No Ragdoll
Disable HUD
Drunk Mode
AI Ignore
AI Mode
Ghost Rider
Ghost Mode
Old School Noclip
Ride All Animals (Mount all animals, requires modded template files to be actually useful)
Skip Loot Animations (should skip all loots anims but herb picking for now)
Clear Blood
No Wanted
Every Shot Counts
Show Waypoint Distance
Jump Height Editor
Medusa (pull a uno reverse on attackers)
Mount/Vehicle Visibility
Horse/Drafts Speed Editor
Fill Health
Clear Bounty
Infinite Deadeye
Auto Enter Deadeye
Fill Deadeye
Deadeye Color Changer
Deadeye Level Changer
Deadeye Timescale Changer
Now carries over consumables, kit, provisions, & weapons on model changes
All Models
Quick Models
Favorite Models
Self Cutscene Model Changer
Outfit Editor
Component Editor
Double Bandoiler
Custom Hat
Rope Binds
Achievement Editor
Stat Editor
Provision Editor
Consumable/Kit Editor
Money Editor
Honor Editor
Fame Editor
Cheats (Unlock/lock all)
Unlock Houses (WIP, doors are still locked)
Unlock Outfits
Save Mount (save mount you are on to your gamesave so long as it has a valid id for gamesave saving)
Save Game (forces a autosave but only works on non cheat flagged saves)
Aspect Ratio Editor
Field of View (FOV) Editor
Free Camera
Static Camera
Rapid Fire
Weapon Model Changer
Explosive Rounds
Infinite Ammo
Gold Weapons
One Hit Kill
Delete Gun
Copy Cat Gun
Hogtie Gun
ER Rounds
Fire Rounds
Slug Rounds
Clear Weapon Pickups
Teleport Gun
Disable Targeting
Don't Holster Weapons
Give Weapons
Remove Weapons
Give Special Weapon
Targeting Mode Editor
Hide Holster Weapons
AIO Locations
Teleport to various locations in New Austin
Teleport to various locations in West Elizabeth
Teleport to various locations in Mexico
Teleport to various hidden interior locations
Teleport to various out of map locations
Save Current Position
Teleport To Saved Position
Teleport To Waypoint
World Actors (manipulate world actors)
Map Options (world interiors/exterior states, some options to disable tumbleweeds and vegetation)
Multiplayer Map Options (left over multiplayer maps/map objects)
Time Acceleration
Pause Game
Sync With System Time
Freeze Time
Freeze Weather
Fix Vegetation Dither Effect
Clear Decals
Clear Corpses
Ped Riot
No Ambient Actors
- limited to 1 vehicle spawn!
Spawn various vehicles (including a fake drivable train!)
Add Underglow/FX to your vehicle
Teleport your vehicle to you
Delete Vehicle
Change what horses your wagons can have!
Add drafts to your wagon if they are missing
Enable Cinematic vehicle camera
Enable car/truck engine sounds
Disable Vehicle Ejection
-limited to 3 mount spawns
Spawn various mounts
Change mount accessories including add undead and special fx to your mount!
Mount Component Editor
Give mounts god mode
Specify mounts (for tame, delete, teleport)
Untame mounts
Teleport/Delete mounts
-limited to 15 ped spawns!
Spawn various peds
Change ped task
Give peds god mode
Give peds weapons
Change ped animations
Teleport/Delete peds
Modify specific peds
Place peds on a mount or in a vehicle
Edit ped components
Toggle ped hats
Edit ped positions
Give peds a custom hat
-limited to 300 props/objects for now!
Spawn various objects from the game
Place them where you want, orient them how you want!
Delete spawned objects
Autobuild options (save current build to file, load build from file, delete autobuild spawned props)
Manipulate a specified spawned object, free move it, manually edit pos, toggle collision, phys etc.
Choose a theatre to play "movies" at.
Use up to 10 different custom bk2 files for the movie player to play in game at a theatre!
Play various songs from the game (some don't always work at all times, some can take up to 10 seconds to load etc etc)
Play mp3 files from the sounds folder
Stop songs
Play various speech lines (works as long as your current player model has these speech lines)
Stop speech
Play various cutscene parts from the game (we plan to map these out eventually, for now they are just cutscene parts)
Stop cutscene
- Some of these may cause a generic breakpoint error. Logs will show as a native error, but you can ignore this.
It still lets the game play and works as expected.
Enable DLC Misc (Allows some dlc objects/options to work)
Enable DLC Sounds (Allows some dlc sounds to work for song player, cutscenes, etc)
Enable DLC Maps (Allows some map options to work)
Load Custom Peds (Allows your peds you defined in the custom ped txt file to work for model changer/ped spawner)
Draw Player Bones (Draws points on player bones)
Change menu position (left, right)
Change menu font
Change menu header color/image color
Change menu font color
Change menu scrollbar color (choose from a few colors)
Arrow key delay (change how fast the scroll is)
Trainer Loaded Message (toggle menu loaded message)
Allow Controller (toggle the ability to allow controller/gamepad use)
Allow External Images (for use with mod options that load images)
Menu Startup Transition (toggle menu transition effect)
Key helper (for keyboard only, helps you know which keyboard key is which id)
Toggle background menu image
Toggle menu header image
Display some helpful info
Display ini settings (shows most savable ini options)
Save to ini (saves certain menu settings to ini)
Credits (shows who all has helped with the menu directly)
There are a variety of options that can be saved to the ini.
These are the controls if using default mappings, otherwise if you change them in the ini they will be different of course.
F4 = Open/Close Menu
Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow = Scroll
Enter = Select/Toggle option
Backspace = Back
F6 = Clear search bar and jump to the top of the list
Turn Allow Controller on in the ini or in the menu so you can fully use a controller.
-- Based on Xbox Controller as it's all I use, So these might slightly differ based on gamepad you have.
RB Held + RS Pressed = Open/Close Menu
B = Back
A = Select
Dpad Up/Down/Left/Right = Scroll
Certain options may have there own controls, and these controls are based on mostly default controls.
These controls could be different based on your keyboard layout and or keyboard mappings.
CTRL+R = Reload ASI Scripts - You must edit the ScriptHookRDR.ini and change hotkey to true.
If you plan to remap controls for menu navigation
Use key helper for keyboard keys in the menu.
However for gamepad, these are the id's you can use.
The below is documented for Xbox/Playstation controllers
BUTTON_LT = 0 - Left Trigger/L2
BUTTON_RT = 1 - Right Trigger/R2
BUTTON_LB = 2 - Left Bumper/L1
BUTTON_RB = 3 - Right Bumper/R1
BUTTON_Y = 4 - Y Button/Triangle
BUTTON_B = 5 - B Button/Circle
BUTTON_A = 6 - A Button/X
BUTTON_X = 7 - X Button/Square
BUTTON_BACK = 8 - Back Button/Select
BUTTON_LS = 9 - Left Stick/L3
BUTTON_RS = 10 - Right Stick/R3
BUTTON_START = 11 - Start Button
DPAD_UP = 12 - Self explanatory for most gamepads
DPAD_RIGHT = 13 - Self explanatory for most gamepads
DPAD_DOWN = 14 - Self explanatory for most gamepads
DPAD_LEFT = 15 - Self explanatory for most gamepads
Q: I hear the menu but it's invisible!
A: This is beyond us, seems to be incompatibility issues with certain PC hardware and spec, which is beyond our control.
We don't have a solution for this. You can try another PC or use another menu.
You can try disabling RTSS (RivaTuner), and MSI Afterburner. If you only have a vulkan based card/pc and no DX support, then this could be
a reason on why also. ScriptHookRDR uses DX12 for drawing.
Q: Menu keeps flashing!
A: Make sure you are using a 8gb+ capable graphics card and that it directly supports DX12.
If you use wrappers of any kind to force the game to work for you, this could be a reason why also.
You can use minimum 3gb VRAM, however be sure nothing is being very resource heavy that takes away from the game load.
Otherwise we don't have a solution for the users that have this issue.
Q: I keep crashing when exiting to mainmenu or when dying or when loading a save!
A: This is a ScriptHookRDR issue. Starting with 1.5.1 this issue is mostly fixed. Exiting to mainmenu can still be hit and miss.
Q: In undead nightmare when I die and load last checkpoint or spawn at nearest town menu no longer loads!
A: This is a ScriptHookRDR issue. Was fixed in 1.5.
Q: In undead nightmare when I die and load last checkpoint or spawn at nearest town menu no longer loads!
A: This is a ScriptHookRDR issue. Was fixed in 1.5.
Q: Please port this to RedHook!
A: Sadly we will not be doing this. We just don't feel like maintaining different versions of the menu across 2
separate sources. If you are gungho on only using RedHook, I advise you use "Red Trainer" which was made by the developer
of RedHook. We do understand that RedHook in its current state is ahead of ScriptHookRDR and is more stable
with some nice additions to make mod functions a bit easier to do for modders. However, like I already stated
we do not want to maintain 2 different sources with a variety of changes due to SDK differences. You are probably
already asking then why don't we just go ahead and move over to RedHook? Well the main answer to why is because
we know bits and peices of ScriptHookRDR's future and plans, and we really rather hold off for those updates in
the future.
Q: Why should I use this trainer over others?!?
A: Why is this even a question? It's honestly silly. Use whatever you want. This isn't some kind of competition.
I'm not going to talk you into using this or that menu. Instead use whatever menu you want, it's really just as
simple as that. The choice is literally yours.
Q: Do you accept donations for menu progress or early access or early previews??
A: We do NOT accept donations. Red Dead Redemption is not our property to be making money off of and we don't want to do this.
Besides we have no interest in your money, we aren't those types of people. This is a passion project, nothing more.
When previews, or news needs to be made public it will be made public.
The reason I even stated this in the first place, is mostly because we have already been asked and have been asked numerous
times in the past to create features, or implement things for money, and we just feel we need to make a statement on our
stance when it comes to things like that.
Special Thanks
TheRouletteBoi & emoose - Maintaining the native database.
Before this database existed Foxxyyy and me, with the help of Sockstress tested hundreds/thousand+ of natives and
manually documented params on xbox 360/ps3. At least what was useful to us at the time from scripts, reversing, etc.
This also included brute forcing native names back then as well as cross referencing debug scripts from ps3, because
back then 90% of the natives were not named and were all hashed.
K3rhos - Vector3 fix's for the pc port which helped with a few problematic natives, motivation, and reminders on old
scrapped mods we never used for the 360, ps3, or switch versions of the game due to #SC script and compiler limitations.
(Back then it was a case of cutting features left and right so the menu would compile for #SC scripts due to compiler issues)
EvilBlunt - A few blip and faction id's we were missing.
Virumaandi - Idea to have a waypoint distance mod option.
You will need ScriptHookRDR to use 0.3 and higher
You will need the Drivable Car files if you want to drive the car/truck/or some misc vehicles in the trainer
Edited by CabooseSayzWTF
What's New in Version 0.6 See changelog
Added Weapon Model Changer (This replaced Knife To Sword), Swap knife models, change weapons to use there unused gold variants, change lemat to use topbreak/walker models, etc.
- At times weapon positions can bug out, and sometimes weapon restore/model change can bug out and not restore/swap. Must reboot if this happens.
Added Horse/Draft Speed editor
Teleports now has a AIO teleport menu (lacks interior/out of map), did this for those that prefer a AIO.
Added Mount Component Editor
You can now spawn/use "some" undead nightmare actors in normal mode. ID's [1222-1227, 1239, 1252 - 1253, 1255 - 1265, 1273 - 1286]
You can now spawn/use the DLC test actor [ID 836]
Added the ability to swap johns outfit states (You can now use undead nightmare outfits in normal mode, same in vice versa)
Spawned objects from object spawner now have a spawned objects sub menu where you can target and act on that spawned object
- Free Move the object, disable collision against you, manually edit pos, add a glow type, enable physics (buggy for alot of objects)
Added a Misc Menu
Added DLC Misc in Misc Menu (Allows some dlc objects to now spawn with object spawner and allows zombify menu options to show up in the menu in normal mode)
Added DLC Sounds in Misc Menu (Allows dlc songs to work in the song player while in normal mode)
Added DLC Maps in Misc Menu (Allows a new menu "Multiplayer Map Options", and some Undead map options to now show up in World Options)
---- The reason these dlc options are in misc is because I didn't really know where to put them, and I also didn't want them to auto be on/enabled on menu execute.
---- Some of these dlc options will throw a error, ideally the game still let's you play. So you can ignore these errors if they occur.
Added Draw Player Bones to misc menu (this will highlight your model bones)
Added Allow Custom Peds to Misc Options (This will allow MPPLAYER_DLC33 - MPPLAYER_DLC55 unused actor slots to use your defined models)
-- So just execute this then change your model to one of those models/or spawn a ped. You will have to define them in the custom_ped_models.txt file.
-- However just know the models you choose will act like a normal player model. You have to use valid actor models. You can get model names from the fragment rpfs.
-- Blackwater kid from previous update has been removed to allow one more slot for your own defined ped models.
-- I have supplied a placeholder txt doc already filled with random actor models.
Added multiplayer map options (must go to misc menu and click DLC Maps) then in World menu, multiplayer map options will now appear.
-- Here you can load a varity of the xbox 360/ps3 multiplayer objects/maps
Added more Map options (Blackwater bank upper and lower levels, Blackwater building shades, Cochinay door/gate states, El presido door/gate state, Theives landing door and window state)
-- You can now also load "The Undead World", this attempts to load the undead map in normal mode, however you must go to misc menu and click dlc maps for this to show up.
-- No this does not make the world load zombies everywhere. This literally just loads the undead map states including catacombs (catacombs is not fully accesible due to world height issues)
Added more game songs to song player and Abc ordered songs
Added a way to play mp3 files. This uses's fmod, and yes the .dll is mandatory. Just put your mp3 files in SilentVirtues folder\sounds.
-- Right now safe limit of songs to add is max of 40
Added custom hats menu for spawned peds (Specified peds only)
Added weapon rapid fire menu [Here you can make certain weapons have rapid fire as well as choose the fire speed]
Ambient actor menu has been replaced with World Actors.
-- You can now act on all actors loaded, options however are limited right now. Clicking a actor will bring you to a submenu to act only on that actor.
Model changer will now let you change your model on a mount/while in a vehicle.
Re-did how player model changer works, you will now be able to vault/climb objects
-- You should also be able to start mission triggers, minigames, activities, etc. But this is mostly untested.
Made outfit selector be a menu now instead of a left/right selection
Added cloth pinning to outfit selector
-- This modifies the cloth pinning flexability for duster and legend of the west type outfits
Added cutscene model changer for the player in model changer
-- This allows you to change the actor model you will be seen as in cutscenes.
-- Some cutscenes however ignore this, as a bypass for iffy cutscenes just change your actual player model.
-- Primarily this issue occurs with undead nightmare cutscenes.
Made the wind a menu where you can modify the wind strength and direction
Added disable vehicle ejection
Autobuilds now save the new object options (glow, collision, physics)
-- You will have to manually modify all old autobuilds and add the 3 new entries to every object in your autobuild.
Provision and consumables editor now have logic that shows the item images and item price as well as item descriptions if present.
-- A menu option in menu options Called "Allow External Images" will allow/disallow these images, by default this is turned OFF.
-- Turn this on if you wish to see the images, we advise that if you plan to use this feature for this mod option or for future mod options
-- that you have a 8gb+ capable graphics card, else you will be met with VRAM issues. Consider this your warning.
Spawnable Objects are now abc orderd.
Added the ability to change the menu font (not all fonts are perfect due to text scaling)
Teleport to waypoint bug fixed: Mount/vehicle will now go with you.
Fixed a issue where deadeye level wouldn't persist across gamesave reloads
Fixed a issue where deadeye timescale wouldn't persist across gamesave reloads
Fixed a issue where fill deadeye, and inf deadeye wouldn't always fully refill the deadeye level
Fixed a issue where inf deadeye wasn't filling the deadeye on script reloads/save reloads if saved to the ini
Fixed it so menu options now shows Header Color, and or Header Image Color instead of "menu color"
Fixed it so [Free cam, noclip, object spawner, binocular] options now work with a controller
Re-worked zombify off for player
Changed some options around
Changed speech player image
Backend code changes/cleanup blah blah.
Ped Riot was re-worked in 0.5, forgot to mention it.
There's probably more I forgot about.
The menu is still a work in progress so please be patient.
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