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Ped Damage Overhaul 2.0 BETA 7

Script mod which adds and alters "NPC behaviors"
   (5 reviews)

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This mod is a teamwork of @fitfondue and @HughJanus.


The beta version of Ped Damage Overhaul 2.0 has been released! It contains new features and major adjustments (described in the changelog), so we'd appreciate your feedback on any bugs and performance issues you encounter. When reporting performance issues, please post your system specs if you can!

Part of this beta are the "optional features" (which require LML to work). Those are separated in two files. One is responsible for longer reactions after dismemberment (not compatible with euphoria mods), the other increases the chances of arterial bleeding (e.g. for neck shots).



This mod tries to make gun fights more diverse, dynamic and interesting and keep them that way throughout the game.

You will find NPCs stumbling when trying to run with hurt legs, getting the wind knocked out of them when getting shot, squirming on the ground when fatally injured, moaning in pools of their own blood until they meet their end, clutching their wounds and stumbling around when hit, etc.


IMPORTANT KEYS (for toggling effects)

These are the standard keys, they can be modified via the ini file (as can everything else this mod adds to the game):

  • F9 - Toggling the mod on/off (the mod is enabled by default).
  • F8 - Toggling "Kill Wounded Mode" on/off (is disabled by default). This mod adds a feature called "Dying States" which makes NPCs go down when injured and still stay alive for some time (until they bleed out). If "Kill Wounded Mode" is activated, NPCs will die instead of entering the "Dying States".
  • F7 - Toggling "Longer Bleedouts Mode" on/off (is disabled by default). Per default this mod makes NPCs in "Dying States" bleed out within a maximum of 25 seconds (to not interfere with spawning waves of enemies during missions, which are only triggered when the first wave is dealt with). If "Longer Bleedouts Mode" is activated, NPCs will take longer to bleed out (more realistic, but also hindering during some missions).
  • F2 - Toggling "Friendly Fire" on/off (is disabled by default). "Friendly Fire" currently only works for the Dutch Van Der Linde gang.



Here is a quick overview of the most important features:

First off, almost all of the features and their characteristics are based on chance, so the behaviors won't be the same every time you encounter them - which should ensure more diverse fights and keep things interesting for longer than vanilla does... that was the idea, at least 🙂

Almost every feature can be enabled, disabled or tweaked in the ini (more information further down the page), so this is not only a mod, but also enables you to create your own experience.

This mod only alters behaviors and attributes of human NPCs - animals or anything else remain untouched.


Light version:

  • NPCs will react to where they are being shot (leg shots will make them stumble when trying to run, hand shots will disarm them, torso shots will stagger them, etc.).
  • When NPC's health decreases below a certain threshold, they fall over and don't get back up. Then they go through different stages of dying, each with its own randomized behavior. Eventually NPCs will die of blood loss.
  • NPCs will sometimes (based on chance) audibly react when in hopeless situation (panicking, begging, cursing, etc.).
  • There is a bleeding feature, which makes NPCs lose health after they have been fatally injured. It operates bassed on chance, so NPCs don't all bleed out in the same amount of time.
  • NPCs burn alive for longer when set on fire.
  • There is a chance of NPCs surviving a fire (although they won't be able to do much afterwards).
  • NPCs have a chance of staying on the ground for a random amount of time when shot (based on their health) - so you can now knock the breath out of your opponents.
  • For all included behaviors the movement and pain sounds have been adjusted (and also randomized) to hopefully make your experience more interesting.


Standard version:

  • The same features as in the light version apply as well as the following additions:
  • NPC health and player damage tweaked to offer a more satisfying experience (no more bullet sponges).
  • NPC damage tweaked to offer more challenge to the player (since NPCs don't eat bullets for breakfast anymore).
  • You can now feel the difference between weapons, their condition and ammo types in combat (shooting with a properly maintained, powerful weapon with special ammo now feels like it should).
  • NPCs are less accurate shots and their accuracy declines along with their health.
  • Arm and leg shots do less damage to NPCs.
  • All NPCs can be disarmed (yes, even lawmen).
  • Hogtying disarms NPCs, so if they manage to get loose, they can't shoot you - they might draw a hidden knife, though.


Overhaul version:

  • The same features as in the standard version apply as well as the following additions:
  • Core Drain (health, stamina, dead eye) has been moderately increased - now hunting and buying food become necessary options.
  • Cores will be fully drained after death.
  • Additional 25% of money lost after death.


We hope that you have as much fun with this mod as we have creating and improving it!




  1. Download Alexander Blade's ScriptHook: http://dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/
  2. Extract Dinput8.dll and ScriptHookRDR2.dll into the main directory of RDR 2 (where the .exe file is).
  3. If you want PDO's additional features, download Lenny's Mod Loader. If not, ignore steps 4, 5 and 8. https://www.rdr2mods.com/downloads/rdr2/tools/76-lennys-mod-loader-rdr/
  4. Extract the folder Mod Manager into the main directory of RDR 2 (the actual Mod Manager folder, not just its contents). Then go into the Mod Loader folder and extract only its contents into the main directory as well (not the actual folder, just its contents).
  5. In the Mod Manager folder, run the ModManager.UI.exe file to make sure Lenny's Mod Loader is properly installed in the RDR 2 directory.
  6. Download your preferred version of Ped Damage Overhaul, then open the zip and choose whether you prefer Light, Standard or Overhaul configurations (see mod description to understand the differences).
  7. Extract the contents of the chosen folder into the main directory. If you're using Lenny's Mod Loader, any files pertaining to it will be automatically placed in the correct folder.
  8. If you're using Lenny's Mod Loader, run ModManager.UI.exe to see if the optional files are showing as installed. If they are, you're good to go.
  9. Start the game and have fun!
  10. While in game, you can press F9 to check if the mod was loaded correctly (F9 once to disable, then F9 again to re-enable the mod).




In general, every parameter in the ini has a description (including information on how to disable the feature). Feel free to play around.

There are already a lot of features enabled and tweaked for out-of-the-box use, yet there are some features left untouched which can be enabled in the ini. That said, if you just want to disable one or more features, set their respective values to 0 (or whatever value the description suggests).


  • To turn off the bleeding feature: set BleedWhenDying to 0
  • To turn off the disarming when hogtying NPCs: set HogtyingDisarms to 0
  • To turn off the dying state features: set DyingStateChance to 0


If you want to disable a feature which is based on chance, just set the chance value to 0.


  • To turn off the knocking the wind out of your opponents: set KnockbackChance to 0
  • To turn off the possibility of NPCs surviving fire: set FireSurvivalChance to 0
  • To turn off the chance of stumbling when shot in the leg: set StumbleChanceOneLeg and StumbleChanceBothLegs to 0


There are also many other features that can be activated in the ini - here are some examples:

  • LassoDisarms -> makes catching someone with your lasso disarm them (no hogtying necessary)
  • NPCWeaponModifier (and many other damage modifiers) -> makes NPCs do more or less damage, depending on what you set it to
  • BleedWhenShot -> enables a bleeding feature which triggers when an NPC gets shot (so not the usual "bleed out when under x health" but consistent bleeding which is applied after the first hit of a bullet - the bleeding chance and deducted health points can be set separately)


The ini is full of values for those wanting to experiment a little.

One word of warning to tweakers: If the NPCHealth is set too high, headshots might not be lethal anymore, unless they hit the actual brain of the NPC (so a shot in the jaw would do more damage than other body parts, but would not be an instant kill). Actual "brain-shots" are always one-shot-kills, no matter the health.




KNOWN "ISSUES" (they are not real issues)

  • The disarming feature can be exploited to slow down new waves of lawmen. The same is true for the dying state feature. If there are too many lawmen dying or fleeing around the player, new waves won't spawn in until the lawmen die or get enough distance (this feature can be turned of in the ini file, if that is a deal breaker to you).
  • When disarming is enabled, the dropped weapons may appear partly invisible. This is only optical, though, they can be picked up and used as usual.



The source code of Ped Damage Overhaul can be found here:




If you are looking to enhance your experience by using an Euphoria Mod, please take a look at the work of @AnymYo.

C.E.R.R. is tweaked for cineastic reactions and designed to work with PDO:


Edited by HughJanus

What's New in Version 2.0 BETA 7   See changelog


Changelog v2.0 BETA 7


  • Added an ini parameter to enable/disable the disarming of downed opponents
  • Added an ini parameter to disable the "longer bleedouts" feature in missions
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs in cover would sack down all of a sudden when using euphoria mods
  • Fixed a bug where health for npcs in vehicles would not be set correctly
  • Fixed a bug where health for "Other Story NPCs" would not be set correctly
  • Fixed a bug where damage multipliers would not be applied if they were set above 100%
  • Adjusted some values in case the ini is not found (due to not following the installation instructions, which is very common, it seems^^)
  • Like 33
  • Thanks 7

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  • User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    I believe I've found a couple more issues:
    Police chief Dunbar will be limping similarly to sherriff Malloy. Included in the screenshot is his model hash.
    I'm actually not really sure how to reproduce this one, but sometimes when the player dies, this gray dot will appear in the map and in the minimap next to Horseshoe Overlook. It's like there is an NPC in the middle of a dying state over there

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    @xuru Put the police chief on the list of "other npcs" as well. Thank you.

    Does the blip also appear if you start your game with the blip option in the ini disabled or is it really caused by PDO? Is there an NPC where the blip is shown?


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    10 hours ago, HughJanus said:

    Put the police chief on the list of "other npcs" as well. Thank you.

    Working perfectly! Just a shame Malloy and Dunbar can't be disarmed anymore... Is it not possible to simply tweak their health values instead of completely removing them from the mod?

    10 hours ago, HughJanus said:

    Does the blip also appear if you start your game with the blip option in the ini disabled or is it really caused by PDO? Is there an NPC where the blip is shown?

    I tested it with the ini option disabled and the blip didn't show up, however this bug is hard to trigger. I believe you need to cause an NPC to enter a dying state (so their blip will appear), then quickly kill yourself before the NPC dies and the blip disappears. This will cause the random blip to show up near Horseshoe.
    And no, there isn't a single NPC where the gray dot is shown

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    Added the following ini parameters (all untested):

    • StopCoreDepletionAfterDeathInMissions (self-explanatory)
    • StopMoneyLossAfterDeathInMissions (self-explanatory)
    • ActivateAlternativePoliceBehavior (makes lawmen get off their horses some distance away from the player, if the player is on foot - so they dont seem suicidal --> idea by Anymyo)
    • DismountDistanceMin (minimum dismount distance - thats the closest lawmen will come to the player when mounted)
    • DismountDistanceMax (maximum dismount distance - thats the furthest lawmen will dismount away from the player...vanilla behavior can make them dismount further away in some cases)


    Please provide feedback, if possible.

    PedDamageOverhaul.asi PedDamageOverhaul.ini

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    Sorry if this was asked before, but i am having some problems running the mod. 


    When trying to Enable the mod I get the following message "ini file not found". 


    I downloaded the "Ped Damage Overhaul 2.0 BETA (With Optional LML Files).zip", unziped the zip, then used the "Add Downloaded File" in LML, and i selected the folder "Standard 2.0 BETA". 

    This is how LML set the files ... the ini is next to the asi file ... 






    Any help would be appreciated 



    Edited by PunkRockingPanda
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    Did a quick test: 

    I  just copied the ".asi" and ".ini" file


    from the current folder "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\lml\downloader\Standard 2.0 BETA" 


    directly into the game folder "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\"



    that seems to have resolved the issue....


    the extended features should still work right ? 

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    11 hours ago, PunkRockingPanda said:

    Did a quick test: 

    I  just copied the ".asi" and ".ini" file


    from the current folder "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\lml\downloader\Standard 2.0 BETA" 


    directly into the game folder "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\"



    that seems to have resolved the issue....


    the extended features should still work right ? 


    PDO is an ASI mod first and foremost.  Asi mods are always installed in the base game folder.  The only reason for LML is for the extra features, as is stated in the install instructions above.

    Edited by Entreped
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    @PunkRockingPanda What Entreped said.

    If you install the mod as stated in the description, it will work.

    I dont know why the Mod Manager installs the ini in a way the asi cant find it.

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    For anyone interested, I managed to configure PDO 2.0 so that it no longer interferes with the running around with artery shots (vanilla behavior).


    I downloaded the optional file on the nexus PDO page (which disables almost all pdo features by default).


    Then I ended up with the following;


    NPCHealth = 105


    DyingMovementThreshold = 51


    DyingMovementThreshold2 = 50


    DyingThreshold = 30


    UseAnimChance = 100


    Along with a couple other minor tweaks.. So it requires a compromise but it fits my preferences perfectly. I can't enjoy the game without those artery shots! Now I get to have both again.


    EDIT: A couple of people have asked for my .ini file so I'm adding it here. Keep in mind I'm using another mod which affects weapon damage hence why I have my weapon modifiers at 100 so your results may differ.



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    13 hours ago, IIrish said:

    For anyone interested, I managed to configure PDO 2.0 so that it no longer interferes with the running around with artery shots (vanilla behavior).


    I downloaded the optional file on the nexus PDO page (which disables almost all pdo features by default).


    Then I ended up with the following;


    NPCHealth = 105


    DyingMovementThreshold = 51


    DyingMovementThreshold2 = 50


    DyingThreshold = 30


    UseAnimChance = 100


    Along with a couple other minor tweaks.. So it requires a compromise but it fits my preferences perfectly. I can't enjoy the game without those artery shots! Now I get to have both again.



    Please dont forget to set the falling times. Your npcs now have 40% more health, which means they will survive falls they normally wouldnt.

    With the two settings for death and downed, you can adjust the milliseconds (for the falling time) after which an npc will get incapacitated or die.

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    8 hours ago, HughJanus said:


    Please dont forget to set the falling times. Your npcs now have 40% more health, which means they will survive falls they normally wouldnt.

    With the two settings for death and downed, you can adjust the milliseconds (for the falling time) after which an npc will get incapacitated or die.

    Ah yes, I better set those, thanks for that. I've just been more focused on getting other parameters configured to my liking.


    Everything feels great so far.

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    Hey, I really like your mod. Thanks for still being activer. But I have some weird behavior. Allmost all npc fall down after one shot and just stays down (Started NG recently). When I turn mod off via F9 they stand up again and keep fighting? Did I do something wrong when installing? Thanks

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    16 minutes ago, Fruitez said:

    Hey, I really like your mod. Thanks for still being activer. But I have some weird behavior. Allmost all npc fall down after one shot and just stays down (Started NG recently). When I turn mod off via F9 they stand up again and keep fighting? Did I do something wrong when installing? Thanks


    Okey, So I downloaded some version you mentioned few post erly and it works now 😄

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    I have an odd bug where I cant die and my health is at like %15 at all times. I'm running no other mods either. I also checked the config file and the "player invincibility" is set to 0

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    2 minutes ago, justsomefuckinname said:

    I have an odd bug where I cant die and my health is at like %15 at all times. I'm running no other mods either


    You didnt install the mod correctly. If you press F9 you will see that it says "ini file not found".

    Dont use mod managers for the installation. I dont know how they try to install the mod, but the asi does not find the ini.

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    51 minutes ago, HughJanus said:


    You didnt install the mod correctly. If you press F9 you will see that it says "ini file not found".

    Dont use mod managers for the installation. I dont know how they try to install the mod, but the asi does not find the ini.

    yep, that did it, im dumb, thanks for helping tho

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    On 4/12/2022 at 2:50 PM, HughJanus said:

    @xuru Done. The ini option is called OtherStoryNPCHealth.

    All blips related to dying NPCs now get removed when the player dies (this will impact performance on player death a tiny bit, but I think its worth fixing the bug).

    Sorry, only got the opportunity to test this now, but I still can't seem to disarm Dunbar and Malloy. Did you remove them from the exclusion list after adding the OtherStoryNPCHealth option?
    Also, would it be possible to add an option that makes dismembering NPCs easier? In the vanilla game you can shoot someone's leg with a shotgun from close range several times and their limb will not be severed 

    Edited by xuru
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    3 hours ago, xuru said:

    Sorry, only got the opportunity to test this now, but I still can't seem to disarm Dunbar and Malloy. Did you remove them from the exclusion list after adding the OtherStoryNPCHealth option?
    Also, would it be possible to add an option that makes dismembering NPCs easier? In the vanilla game you can shoot someone's leg with a shotgun from close range several times and their limb will not be severed 


    Not all PED's have dismemberment.  According to Dismember Everyone, there are 290 PED's missing the feature.  Unless you are talking about ones that can be dismembered?  I don't think anyone has found the code to make dismembering easier.  The PED either can be or can't be.  But don't quote me on that.  😄

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    5 hours ago, xuru said:

    Sorry, only got the opportunity to test this now, but I still can't seem to disarm Dunbar and Malloy. Did you remove them from the exclusion list after adding the OtherStoryNPCHealth option?
    Also, would it be possible to add an option that makes dismembering NPCs easier? In the vanilla game you can shoot someone's leg with a shotgun from close range several times and their limb will not be severed 

    They are excluded, if you set ExcludeOtherStoryNPCs to 1.

    Remember that many lawmen cannot be disarmed in vanilla. PDOs disarming feature enables that.

    Concerning dismemberment --> what Entreped said 🙂

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    14 hours ago, Entreped said:

    Not all PED's have dismemberment.  According to Dismember Everyone, there are 290 PED's missing the feature.  Unless you are talking about ones that can be dismembered?  I don't think anyone has found the code to make dismembering easier.  The PED either can be or can't be.  But don't quote me on that.  😄

    Yes, I meant the ones that can be dismembered. For some reason, when I try blowing off an NPCs leg while they're still alive it will not work. However, I can easily do it after they're dead. Shame it can't be tweaked.

    13 hours ago, HughJanus said:

    They are excluded, if you set ExcludeOtherStoryNPCs to 1.

    Remember that many lawmen cannot be disarmed in vanilla. PDOs disarming feature enables that.

    I don't think you understood. The only reason they were added to the exclusion list is because of their limping bug, but this has now been solved by the new "Other Story NPC Health" setting. Can't they now be removed from the exclusion list, so the other features of the mod apply to them?

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