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Thirst and hunger cores for the horse. Similar to a mod Horses Needs that was made by bolmin70. 

For the horse to drink leave it in a water source or near a trough. If the water is too deep the horse will not drink.
To make it eat leave it near a haystack. Outside of towns the horse will also graze on grass. By default eating hay will restore hunger core much faster than eating grass. Running and sprinting will make the cores drop much faster. 

When one of the cores reaches zero health and stamina will start dropping, speed will be limited and the horse will start falling to the ground. Details can be adjusted in the ThirstyHorse.ini file.


For installation put ThirstyHorse folder, lml folder and ThirstyHorse.asi file inside main rdr2 folder.



Thirst and Hunger cores version:

                                          -drinking will restore thirst core and stamina 
                                          -eating will restore hunger core and health 
                                          -resting will restore and overpower stamina and health

No added cores version:
                                          -drinking will restore and overpower stamina 
                                          -eating hay will will restore and overpower health
                                          -eating grass will restore health
                                          -resting will restore stamina






Version 1.1: 
                      - fixed whistling not working correctly
                      - the horse staying in the water is now optional (select in the .ini)
                      - the horse will go to the water itself when near it if thirsty (rivers and similar water sources)


Version 1.2: 
                      -adjusted horse distances to troughs
                      -fixed horse falling when running the game for the first time
                      -fixed feeding horse from inventory sometimes not working
                      -cores are now hidden if filled above 50% (adjustable in the .ini)
                      -added resting ability to the horse (only works on active horse)

Version 1.3: 
                      -fixed core flickering
                      -added .ini option to disable the mod when playing minigames
                      -added .ini option to change core width and height

Version 1.3.1:
                      -fixed food core size not changing 



Version 1.4:
                      -fixed the horse not eating and drinking after reaching the epilogue
                      -max drinking depth is now adjustable in the .ini
                      -disabled temporary horse core drain
                      -added Language.dat file for prompt renaming

Version 1.5:
                      -multiple horses can now eat and drink at the same time (including horses from peds in your group)
                      -each horse now has its own values (before core values were shared between same horse type)
                      -when eating grass thirst core can now be replenished
                      -inventory feeding can be set not to replenish stamina and health core
                      -after a certain player distance from the horse, the cores will stop dropping


Version 1.6:
                      -fixed temporary horse falling to the ground












No cores version:

Version 1.1:                      
                      -fixed the horse not eating and drinking after reaching the epilogue
                      -max drinking depth is now adjustable in the .ini
                      -added Language.dat file for prompt renaming
                      - fixed left key reducing health and stamina





Edited by alfabravozapa

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    Hey, overall very great Mod! But would it be possible you add Lakes aswell?



     You mean drink from lakes? The horse should drink from any water source. Is there a location you found where it will not drink?



    just peace of work the most beautiful mode ever created in RDR2 




    Fantastic mod, but the state of the cores seems to get worse as you reload games. Does it not store the state of the cores based on the save? My horse died because I kept having to retry a checkpoint in a mission over and over again, then ended up nowhere near water with my horse at 0 thirst. It tripped once then didn't get up, dead with no option to revive.



      On 11/10/2023 at 1:55 AM, notjasonlee said:

    Fantastic mod, but the state of the cores seems to get worse as you reload games. Does it not store the state of the cores based on the save? My horse died because I kept having to retry a checkpoint in a mission over and over again, then ended up nowhere near water with my horse at 0 thirst. It tripped once then didn't get up, dead with no option to revive.


    Can not save state of the cores based on the save. I suggest you disable the mod during the missions or set health drain to 0.



    Ahh, that's too bad. I'll just set the drain to be more forgiving, then it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Thank you for your work!




    Hej thanks for this great mod. Although I'm experiencing crashes with this script. I mean not the whole game, just your script. Could contain: outdoor, sky, screenshot, tree, cloud, plant, text, landscape, ground


    I described in detail on Nexus when this crash occurs. It loads fine, works for a certain time and then crasehs. I've had two crashes like this in my playthroughs. I can press enter and the game continues but the script doesn't work anymore  and the cores for the horse are gone. Do you have any idea what it could be?

    I would like to stay with this mod.


    Posted (edited)

    I normally use the extended mini map and the icons are buggy with the map, is it possible, and how do I do it, to leave the icon when I click ALT as the default?

    Could contain: screenshot, circle, grass, plant, outdoorCould contain: screenshot, wheel, circle, outdoor

    In case of other questions, would you prefer me to ask here or on the nexus?

    Edited by mactravish


    In the .ini change from this:


    [CORE_POSITION]                  #Increasing X value moves core to the right, Increasing Y value moves core down. WIDTH and HEIGHT change how big the cores are.




    to this:      


    [CORE_POSITION]                #Increasing X value moves core to the right, Increasing Y value moves core down. WIDTH and HEIGHT change how big the cores are.





    Cores will be moving a little though when you open the weapon wheel but that is something I would have to fix...



    Does not matter where you ask the questions...


    Posted (edited)

    Anyone else experiencing ThirstyHorse.asi to crash after some playtime? I had the script crash already about 5 times. It works for some time, sometimes for several hours and then crashes. Luckily I can still continue to play but the script stops to work. I didn't have any other scripts crashes and I'm running a lot of them. About 43 asi scripts and about 25 lml mods.

    Edited by Krokx


    I mod the game with Thirsty Horse also with AMJM Transport. It makes all horses core depleted for the hired guns. Their horses die and they can't follow you anymore, even if fired, the hired guns came back with depleted horses. Due to not eating and drinking.

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