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Alright, I have taken a long break but then decided to get back into rdr2 scripting so this will be the first update of many to life of crime.
In the version of the mod, there is a skill tree (which can be opened with U), ranks, one train heist, and an intro, and an interaction menu (which can be opened with Z)
I Plan on updating this mod regularly and adding a lot of jobs too like bounty hunting, heists, etc.
In order to start/continue this mod, go up to the white hat BLIP at copperhead landing, near Siska penitentiary, and then press F on the boardwalk with the given prompt AFTER you created your character at the saint denis tailer. The mod will first start off by putting you into the character creator where you can design your mp ped the way you want it, then go through the intro and there are wardrobes around the map in different towns that you can use to change your outfit parts with a $20 fee. I will not be making a story anymore (explanation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeSuqw7xU9c)
If you have ANY FEEDBACK please let me know, I want to improve and get better at this, and to make this mod the best it can be so letting me know if I did something stupid is very appreciated. 


The whole point of the mod is to play as a completely NEW character with all of your weapons and money being removed that is designed by you (using mp male or female), NOT to play as Arthur or John. This is the whole point of the mod. And while you play on in the game you can earn all of the weapons by buying them from a gunsmith or finding them anywhere on the map, and earn more money from doing missions and such to pay for these things and many more things I plan on adding.


I recommend that you have a fresh scripts folder because I only run about 2 mods in my game. I Use the rampage trainer and my mods, that's it.
Also, make SURE that you make a main save for your normal story characters (Arthur/John) and then make another main save for your life of crime so as to not LOSE your main save game.



Just Drag & Drop the asi into your RDR2's main directory.

Script Hook RDR2 - http://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/

ASI Loader - Version.dll (make sure to have this installed too as most MP things don't work without it.)

-Lenny simple trainer
-Red Dead Offline

-Native Trainer
-dinput.dll - (Make SURE to use the VERSION.DLL)


Thanks to -
Lilaaloo - For making a trailer and thumbnail for the mod 1.0 update.




-Base Mode

-Added First heist Mission (The Manor)


-Revamped everything
-Added character creator
-Added Wardrobes
-Added intro and first train robbery mission
-Added Rank System
-Added Skill Tree


Vers.2.1 - Female Hotfix
-Fixed Female Characters not working with the character creator



If you need to contact me you can message me on discord, as that is were i am most active.

Discord: CruelmasterMC#6140

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/4HjPhnBwHt


Edited by CruelMasterMC
editing patch notes

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    Hey! Could it be possible to use this mod as singleplayer characters? Either as Arthur Morgan or John Marston? 



      On 7/19/2022 at 8:17 PM, MMytry said:

    Hey! Could it be possible to use this mod as singleplayer characters? Either as Arthur Morgan or John Marston? 





    Is it somehow possible to reverse everything bc as soon as I deleted the mod I did not get my old weapons



      On 7/24/2022 at 9:43 PM, Retr0234 said:

    Is it somehow possible to reverse everything bc as soon as I deleted the mod I did not get my old weapons


    sadly no, probably a trainer, just give back everything with that so no work or grinding is required.



    another question is it intended that you cant interact with anyone at all not even rob them or is that my mistake




      On 7/25/2022 at 7:49 AM, Retr0234 said:

    another question is it intended that you cant interact with anyone at all not even rob them or is that my mistake



    cause your character doesnt have a voice so he can't rob or talk to anyone



      On 7/25/2022 at 1:05 PM, CruelMasterMC said:

    cause your character doesnt have a voice so he can't rob or talk to anyone


    Ahh thats annoying, it just feels that the mod is missing sth when you cant rob anyone still a very good mod



    Hey, is there a better place to give you feedback with screenshots and things of that nature? I've been playing the mod and I have some feedback for things like respawning, previous saved data and other character customization.



      On 7/26/2022 at 5:31 PM, Keegs3 said:

    Hey, is there a better place to give you feedback with screenshots and things of that nature? I've been playing the mod and I have some feedback for things like respawning, previous saved data and other character customization.


    my discord server - https://discord.gg/MUkTYWYqet



    I tried booting up my game to ensure i installed it correctly.
    I was thrown in to the character customization screen, but after changing a few features i wasn't able to progress.


    I went through all 10 pages but couldn't find any way to progress or complete the character.

    I also didn't say any of the controls was to progress or end the customization

    So how do i do that? 



      On 7/28/2022 at 7:19 AM, Mrlolba said:

    I tried booting up my game to ensure i installed it correctly.
    I was thrown in to the character customization screen, but after changing a few features i wasn't able to progress.


    I went through all 10 pages but couldn't find any way to progress or complete the character.

    I also didn't say any of the controls was to progress or end the customization

    So how do i do that? 


    try setting the create character bool in the ini file to true, then load the game, then once your fully loaded into the game and move forward a bit, unload the mod then set the create character bool to false then reload the mod (heres how to load/unload asi mods)



      On 7/28/2022 at 1:52 PM, CruelMasterMC said:

    try setting the create character bool in the ini file to true, then load the game, then once your fully loaded into the game and move forward a bit, unload the mod then set the create character bool to false then reload the mod (heres how to load/unload asi mods)


    Worked like a charm.




    Is there anyway presently to level your character other then repeating the heist? Love the mod btw excellent work so far.



      On 7/30/2022 at 11:04 PM, ConfusedJohnnyGat said:

    Is there anyway presently to level your character other then repeating the heist? Love the mod btw excellent work so far.


    not atm no



    I know this is a long shot hoping you will respond after a year but do you have any intentions of updating this mod? considering that the script hook you used doesnt seem to work anymore it would be really awesome if you somehow updated the mod to work with the other scripthook dinput



      On 2/13/2024 at 4:38 AM, FERALTE said:

    I know this is a long shot hoping you will respond after a year but do you have any intentions of updating this mod? considering that the script hook you used doesnt seem to work anymore it would be really awesome if you somehow updated the mod to work with the other scripthook dinput


    yes i do plan on revamping the whole thing but rn i am learning how to just use c++ in general and it will probably be a while but i would like to 100%, soon i'll be releasing a heist mod for starters to get me back into the swing of things. when i'm ready to take on life of crime, i shall.

    Gunter Severloh



    The whole point of the mod is to play as a completely NEW character with all of your weapons and money being removed that is designed by you (using mp male or female), NOT to play as Arthur or John. This is the whole point of the mod. And while you play on in the game you can earn all of the weapons by buying them from a gunsmith or finding them anywhere on the map, and earn more money from doing missions and such to pay for these things and many more things I plan on adding.


    This, it would make the game like Skyrim where you can spend an hour creating a character and then experiencing the world,

    i dont like the idea of being a criminal or an outlaw right at the start, i think Rockstar should have given the player an option to play

    the story (campaign) if they wanted to and not be forced to be a certain person, or character, and know certain people based on

    things set in the story, this is why we are modding it so we can enjoy this western world with its many details.

      On 2/16/2024 at 1:36 AM, CruelMasterMC said:

    i am learning how to just use c++ in general


    Cool, if it helps you can use an AI extension for Visual Code named Cody that will help you code:




    Posted (edited)

    So small problem, my character seems to be stuck T Posing and doesn't spawn where the mod seems to want her to spawn, I don't have any mods that should be conflicting with this as I am only using mods that add in more jobs and survival mechanics as well as changing seasons.


    EDIT: Okay I did some testing and it seems like the mod Online Content Unlocker is the source of the problem, not sure if the Moonshiner mod will work without it but we'll see.

    Edited by AliRenegade


      On 7/25/2022 at 1:05 PM, CruelMasterMC said:

    cause your character doesnt have a voice so he can't rob or talk to anyone



    This is not a good feature to have in a mod about living as an outlaw, there are voice lines in the game files for both male and female outlaws so you could easily use those to allow us to communicate with people. This mod has many compatibility problems with mods that would work really well alongside this one, Needs for example doesn't seem to work which is literally just a mod that adds in needs and lets you camp pretty much anywhere, I'm not sure if the custom gang mod works yet as I haven't got enough money on my character to get it set up.

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