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The Cowhand Fix 1.0.0

Fixes a bug in the Epilogue where The Cowhand outfit would not appear when stored on your horse.
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About This File


  • Initial upload



  • Lenny's Mod Loader



  • Place the "cowhandFix" folder inside your "/Red Dead Redemption 2/lml/"


There exists an issue in the Epilogue where when storing "The Cowhand" on your horse, you actually couldn't select it/change to it from your horse. But when checking the wardrobe, the game would still claim the outfit is stored on your horse. This turned out to be an easier fix than I thought. All I had to do was simply add an entry for The Cowhand to quickselectitems.ymt, since apparently it didn't already have one, which is what prevented it from appearing in the quick select menu on your horse.


On the off-chance this somehow conflicts with other mods that introduce new outfits and adds entries for them to quickselectitems.ymt, all you need to do is add the follow entry to said YMT file. Just make sure the "SortOrder" value isn't already being used. Change it as needed.

        <Item key="0x35171C33">
              <SortOrder value="85"/>


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