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    United States
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  1. you can not kill children in this game how ever im pretty shure there is a mod that lets you kill kids but to kill gang member use the PDO mod and turn on friendly fire or if you cant mod very well get dynamite or molotavs and throw it next to someone in your gang
  2. another question can you do a mod that removes the New Austin snipers
  3. Can you make a mod for when your playing RDRFR You can have a wistle like the saint denis cops do so you can call for backup or help you can also use it to get people out of the way
  4. so i like to do rdrfr patrols in san denis and when the ai officers are chasing someone they have that whistle dose anyone know if there is a mod for that so when im doing patrols in san denis i can use that whistle to. I also would like to know some good callout mods and better combat mods if anyone knows of any of theese please let me know on this topic or you can message me on discord my discord is PT#5525. thank you if you do help
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