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  1. Those are really good ideas, jurisdiction element especially.
  2. That would be very good! It would definately make having a partner or group feel more alive, if you see what I mean ? Nice suggestion.
  3. I think an addition that would be fun would be a police escort, where you and other officers have to protect valuable cargo get to its destination, such as guarding oil wagons and armoured wagons from outlaws and raiders or escort a most wanted criminal to the appropriate jail for jailing, execution or whatever sentencing can be added to it. All for thought, I appreciate some of the of the ideas I've put forward may seem quite the task, but here's hoping😉
  4. I agree, it's amazing how much has been done in such a short space of time, imagine a few months from now. Another idea I think would be nice ( if possible ) is handing over of criminals to a different agency, for example if someone who is wanted by the sheriff departments is caught and arrested by Saint Denis or Blackwater police then you can have a prisoner transport wagon ship them off to the appropriate department for a reward ?
  5. I would love to see those ideas make the mod!
  6. Would be nice to see when playing as the Chief of Police or Sheriff you can command your officers or deputies to raid properties and arrest, they will shoot if shot at. An ability to sentence criminals to execution by hanging them on the platforms outside jails.
  7. This is fantastic news! Thank you for the continued support to the community.
  8. Does anyone know the ped ID for the giant caveman and the guy that plays the banjo in butchers creek ? Thanks.
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