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  1. I was able to export some AWC audio files, but Open IV RDR2 lacks the export to open formats feature unlike GTAV, so I can't really import my edit audio back into the game. I saw that editing AWC files is possible since there are some mods that do that like this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/2479 Is there some sort of tool that will let me edit AWC files?
  2. Thanks, I got it fixed after looking at your source code.
  3. Game.Player.Position.X is the Players X coordinate and so on, these are not empty variables. The reason I need them is because the native hash requires them as params, otherwise the coordinate would be at 0, 0, 0 by default.
  4. I've been trying to give my ped a beer bottle scenario where you can drink / drop it (I found it in the rampage trainer) but it doesn't do anything. Here is what I tried: Game.Player.Character.Task.StartScenario("WORLD_HUMAN_BOTTLE_PICKUP_BOX_TABLE_BEER"); and Function.Call(Hash.TASK_START_SCENARIO_AT_POSITION, Game.Player.Character, "WORLD_HUMAN_BOTTLE_PICKUP_BOX_TABLE_BEER", Game.Player.Character.Position.X, Game.Player.Character.Position.Y, Game.Player.Character.Position.Z, Game.Player.Character.Heading, -1, false, false, 0, 0, 0); I also tried a smoking scenario which also did not work.
  5. I tried to get an NPC to mount my horse in various ways including PED.Task.MountAnimal(Game.Player.Character.CurrentMount, -1);, and Function.Call(Hash.TASK_MOUNT_ANIMAL, PED, Game.Player.Character.CurrentMount, -1, 0, 2f, 0, 0, 0);, but none of these work. The ped just stands there and doesn't do anything. Any clue how to do this?
  6. argasd2' is a type, which is not valid in the given context
  7. Passing the stucts as params gives me an error
  8. Ok, I changed the return type to long, but what do you mean by "pass the actual structures as parameters, not values from the structures)."? Could you provide an example?
  9. I have been trying to make a help message in rdr2 appear for days now but no matter what I do it just keeps crashing. Here is my code in c# by the way. argasd1.p0 = duration; argasd1.p1 = 0; argasd1.p2 = 0; argasd1.p3 = 0; argasd2.p0 = 0; argasd2.p1 = Function.Call<string>(Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", message); Function.Call<string>(Hash._0x049D5C615BD38BAD, argasd1.p0, argasd2.p1, 1); Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
  10. Version 1.0.0


  11. Hello. I have noticed that World.Player.Wantedlevel does not actually do anything no matter what you set it to. I looked for native hashes but couldn't find any related to setting if the player is wanted or not. How can I make the player wanted?
  12. Was this ever solved? I am having a similar issue right now. No matter what I do, the door is still locked.
  13. Hello, I have been having issues with GET_CLOSEST_OBJECT_OF_TYPE. It doesn't return any object for me. Here is my code: tellerdoorprop = Function.Call<Prop>(Hash.GET_CLOSEST_OBJECT_OF_TYPE, -816.51f, -1277.22f, 42.66f, 10f, "p_gate_valbankvlt", false); Any clue why is it not working? The object I am trying to get is the teller door at the blackwater bank btw.
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