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  1. Using ambientpedmodelsets.meta to try and get new peds to spawn in the world. but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong as none of them end up spawning. How do I do this?
  2. Thanks! I have been trying to figure out what exactly I am doing wrong. I've added roughtravellers to the ambientgangs file we discussed but I'm noticing no differences yet. I must be missing a step or perhaps not putting the lines for roughtravellers in the correct place. Even though I think I am!
  3. Thanks! Just so I'm clear, the ambientpedmodelsets goes into the stream folder, yes? Also, I have ambient gangs installed, would that conflict?
  4. Do I copy all of the above? And do I copy it directly below? <Name>VAL_TOWN_FEMALE_FANCY</Name> <Models> <Item> <Name>A_F_M_ValTownfolk_01</Name> <Variations type="NULL" /> <Probability value="1.000000" /> <TimeOfDay /> <InventoryInfoHash /> </Item>
  5. It seems a tad bit better but it's still pretty heavily populated with Guarma guys. If that's what you wanted to me to be testing? Also just as a side-note, the female rider I saw in Emerald Ranch I THINK is a variation of female Rough Travelers according to a trainer I used to spawn some. I just don't understand why they are so rare to spawn in naturally. I've sunk 200.2 hours in RDR2 and have only ever seen 1 spawn in by themselves.
  6. Just overwrote the 4 files and I'll let you know!
  7. Honestly I'm not at all good at modding so I'd be a bit too afraid to try any of this on my own as I'm sure I'd fail at it. I didn't really think about male sandboxing not being able to be performed by female characters but I suppose that does make sense. As far as what I meant by models I meant variety in general. I mess around with various trainers and spawn NPCs often enough to notice that so many are only used once, or not at all. If I knew how to do anything with modding I'd attempt to make a lot of those unused or rare NPC models appear in the towns, roads on horses as any other NPC does. Not sure if you are familiar with GTA 5, but if you are then the mod World of Variety is what I'd hope someone could eventually make for RDR.
  8. I was having the same thoughts as the guy above. But let me say I appreciate the fact that you are even attempting adding some variety to the NPCs. I notice so many cool models are not used or are used scarcely. For example, the female gambler NPCs would be cool to see spawning in towns but they, along with women on horses just aren't used. Why is it so RARE to see female NPCs riding horses? I only ever saw one outside of the story on a horse in Emerald Farm. She also had a unique model I hadn't seen before. I'm going to keep a close eye on you and your mods because you seem to be one of the only modders doing the things that interest me. Also, do you know why more people don't tweak the NPCs? In terms of adding a few more models at least. Is it just too difficult to do?
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