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  1. The law rebalance has different health for different law levels (local law is 100, marshals 130, sheriffs 150 or something of that nature) and with ( what I'm guessing , sorry new at this! ) PDO setting all spawned NPCs at its setting the health buffs portion of the mod wont work. The other portions of law rebalance work fine with it and PDO makes the fights feel like Hollywood haha. The PDO effects seemed to work on NPCs I spawned in with it disabled, making all those NPCs spawned in prior to enabling PDO have either less or more health but still use the same dying thresholds as if they had the PDO health. If PDO had the option to not set a flat health value to all NPCS, and was able to let another mod dictate this would it still work? Also wanted to just say thank you , this mod is amazing, starting a modded playthrough tomorrow with this at the forefront.
  2. Seems that the ;NPCHealth tag in PDO overwrites the heath buffs for the law tiers, if there is a way to disable that in the config, it could work.
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