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  1. thanks, il try installing that manually, however im having a problem with nexus in that it wont detect RDR2 (Open IV doesnt seem to be finding it either) any ideas ?
  2. the game is a masterpiece but i think one tragic oversight is that it didnt incorporate the natives in any real way. Id love to see the north of the map teaming with hostile natives. They should patrol their own areas, hunt, stage ambushes and do cattle raids further south (occasional incursions into the flatlands). Id also like to see more native settlements (should be easy enough) and have them utilize bows and arrows, blowguns, tomahawks, axes and rifles. I think this would go well with a civil war mod (moving the time frame into the Indian wars).
  3. Great idea, i think its already being worked on (saw it mentioned over on the LSPD website)
  4. it has the potential to be amazing and there is tons of material in those files. The Lemoyne Raiders and US army models can be used but i really think you should make fully customized and in depth soldiers and officers for both sides. Theres so much material to work with here that theres really no excuse for anything less than high detail in the model dept. On a somewhat related note, we need a smoke from firearms mod badly
  5. Every time i run the trainer it works for a while and then cause the game to crash while loading single player mode, can someone help me with this Also, is there a mod to skip the intro and first few missions ?
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