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    United Kingdom

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  1. Now it feels alright, yeah. Go down as would expect them to, likewise for myself, go down reasonably quickly after a few shots. Nothing else standing out as odd or unusual.
  2. Feels a bit like people take up quite a few bullets to put down and don't really deal that much damage in return either. Compared to 1.57 standard anyway. On second inspection, turns out invincibility was turned on in the ini when downloaded.
  3. So: I'm quite new to RDR2 modding, and I've been trying to download Alexander Blade's scripthook since that's what seems to be required by most mods. Problem is, using the page for it ( https://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/ ) just doesn't work. Clicking on download, no matter what browser I try simply sends me over to the main page of ( http://dev-c.com/ ) and that's literally all that happens. If anyone has a workaround for that, or can just send the actual files, it would be greatly apprecaited.
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