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  1. I just tested this mod, and it works (as long as you aim for the chest or neck). I might try to alter the file to be something like 25% chance. It looks like it alters <PedDamageInfos><Item key=[entity]><FatalRegions><Item key=[body part]> ... <BleedoutChanceIfEnabled value="1.000000" />, <AlreadyWoundedModifier value="1.000000" />
  2. Hello I am having trouble with PDO + CERR. I made the post in the comments on the CERR page here: Anyways, I also had a question about PDO. What is it called when you shoot someone and they start bleeding from the wound and stagger around leaving a blood trail? Is that an artery hit? These are so cool, I even hit someone on their neck once and got this bleeding effect to trigger and they held their hand on their neck and rode away leaving a long blood trail on the ground. How do I make this visible bleeding effect happen more? Most of the time when I shoot someone it just creates a blood splatter on the environment and a bullet wound decal on the NPC.
  3. I read that this can work with PDO (Ped Damage Overhaul 1.57), So I installed LML, then grabbed CERR. However, I am having issues. I thought I would report it here in case anyone knows what is happening or at least to warn others. I launched LML and made sure CERR was enabled. Testing in game with PDO and CERR; Everyone I shot just fell to the ground and laid there disabled but alive. OK, so maybe the latest versions on PDO and CERR do not work together? I unchecked the "enabled" box in LML for CERR. Testing in game with just PDO again; PDO seems to be working properly again, except around 1 out of 5 NPC are getting flung into the air when they start to do an animation after getting shot. They literally go summersaulting, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a row. It's like there is some sort of animation conflict even though I have CERR disabled in LML. I try to "uninstall" CERR from LML. I can't figure it out. (Is it possible?) I start deleting all CERR files I can find. I remove the lines that mention CERR in Game\lml\mods.xml. Testing in game, NPCs still getting flung around. Next Steps: I am going to try completely removing LML and PDO and see if that fixes the summersaulting NPCs. Hopefully I don't need to validate steam files because that will take all night. EDIT: For clarification, PDO was working fine before installing LML and CERR. I don't understand why this is happening. CERR just replaces the physicstasks.ymt at runtime right? Or does is permanently change it? UPDATE: Completely removing LML and PDO files has fixed the issue without needing to validate files. I reinstalled LML (without CERR) and PDO and it appears to be working correctly again!
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