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  1. Wow i'm silly - SAVE::SAVEGAME_SAVE_SP(MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("SAVEGAMETYPE_SP_AUTOSAVE")); This works, but requires you turn on auto save lol. I had auto save disabled >.< Easy way to test for those that care - void update() { if (IsKeyJustUp(VK_F1)) { SAVE::SAVEGAME_SAVE_SP(MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("SAVEGAMETYPE_SP_AUTOSAVE")); } }
  2. Is anyone aware of how to save a game via the natives? I've looked into SAVE::SAVEGAME_SAVE_SP(hash savetype) Here are the hashes https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/enums/eSavegameType.txt SAVE::SAVEGAME_SAVE_MP(has savetype) I figure this is for MP, but you never know I also tried calling these native's by their hash - still nothing.
  3. Alright i've figured this out - Here is the code i'm using to check if someone drinks anything int tAnimationSet = 0; static int getGameTime() { return invoke<int>(0x4F67E8ECA7D3F667); } bool refillThirstCoreScenario() { const char* animations[] = { "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle", "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkshot", "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkmug", "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkhand" }; for (const char* animation : animations) { if (STREAMING::HAS_ANIM_DICT_LOADED(animation)) { return true; tAnimationSet = getGameTime(); break; } } return false; } void update() { // Core refilling actions if (TASK::GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 471)) { // Thirst if (refillThirstCoreScenario()) { if (getGameTime() - tAnimationSet > 5000) { PrintSubtitle("You drank!"); } } } } This is a reliable way to check if someone has drank a liquid. For eating you can check the eating animation like I did with drinking. Feel free to copy/paste this code - If you do use it, give yourself a high five in my honor.
  4. Oh I'm silly This turned out to be a false statement. I got frustrated by checking individual animations and decided to revisit this idea I tested this code - if (STREAMING::HAS_ANIM_DICT_LOADED("face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle")) { PrintSubtitle("DICT_LOADED"); } else { PrintSubtitle("DICT_NOT_LOADED"); } Turns out R* does remove the Animation Dictionary. A few things that are confusing - The DICT doesn't immediately unload I tried to force this by waiting say 10 seconds and running STREAMING::REMOVE_ANIM_DICT("face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle"); This lead to animations for drinking to be completely broken So you have to drink then do anything other than drink again At that point R* unloads the dict So how can we take advantage of this? We know the following information TASK ID 471 = Cores getting filled This works with drinking and eating - Sleeping is unknown Drinking from a bottle uses the following animation dictionary face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle The animation doesn't get unloaded until something other than drinking is done after the animation completes An initial check could look like this if (TASK::GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 471)) // Check that the core task is running { if (STREAMING::HAS_ANIM_DICT_LOADED("face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle")) // Is the Animation dictionary loaded? { // Do something here } } What this doesn't solve is the animation dictionary doesn't get unloaded until the player does something else Possible solutions? Force another animation after like 5 seconds This will need to be tested and it needs to be from another DICT outside of what we are trying to check I will continue to test this and once I come up with a final solution I will post the code here.
  5. Yea I tried that method to see if it was near the players hand/face etc, but nothing returned 😕 It seems like the object doesn't actually exist during the animation - Almost as if it is hidden. I found the animations but of course there were no objects (Ironically none of the animations I found actually load during the drinking animation?) I did find a reliable animation dictionary however - face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle This animation dictionary gets loaded whenever the player drinks from a bottle. The downside is - It doesn't ever seem to unload (So nothing as simple as "Oh well i'll just run a check for TASK 471 then check if the animation dictionary loaded" So now i'm looking if the player is actually using the animation - I have no idea what the taskflag is supposed to be for ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_PLAYING_ANIM I've tried the GTAV 3 flag or 2, but I fear this is not the case. I also found something about getting off a horse animation that used 1 << 18 (262144) I think I might just have to spawn a bunch of bottles and have a loop going to see if the animation hits Here is my current debug code for those that care const char* scenarios[] = { "loop_short", "loop_long", "opengulp", "enter", "strain_enter", "closegulp", "strain_gasp", "strain_loop_long", "strain_exit", "enter_short", "strain_loop_short", "exit" }; for (const char* scenario : scenarios) { if (ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_PLAYING_ANIM(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle", scenario, 1 << 18)) { PrintSubtitle("Works"); break; } }
  6. Well I have discovered something yesterday - Whenever the cores get refilled it uses TASK 471. I haven't tested this against sleep, but eating/drinking from your provisions work. So I figured that would be my first check - Then I moved on to just seeing if an object was in the players hand (This went terribly) So I went through OpenIV looking for elixir because that's one of the drinks I have. I ended up finding the prop in levels_3\rdr3\props\lev_des\s_pickups.rpf I realized these were all the props that you use for provisions + other stuff. I got the bright idea to test IS_ENTITY_TOUCHING_MODEL(entity, hash) entity = PLAYER_PED_ID() hash = GET_HASH_KEY("s_ginsengelixir01x") Whenever I drank the elixir nothing happened, but once he dropped the bottle and the players foot touched it - The function actually returned true? So now i'm back to being confused, but I have a few more things I want to try. bool refillThirstCoreScenario() { const char* objs[] = { "s_brandy01x", "s_brandy_used01x", "s_ginsengelixir01x" }; for (const char* obj : objs) { if (ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_TOUCHING_MODEL(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), MISC::GET_HASH_KEY(obj))) { //if (TASK::GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 471)) //{ return true; break; //} } } return false; } Here is the code i'm using to check if anyone is interested
  7. Currently working on a mod. I'm a little lost and hope someone can point me in the right direction.. (C++) Is there a native function that checks whenever the player is eating/drinking? I've checked the scenarios (for drinking) to see if it'll return for me, but no luck. I've thought about checking the animation, but before I dig deep into that figured i'd ask first. Any help is much appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the solution - Alright i've figured this out - Here is the code i'm using to check if someone drinks anything int tAnimationSet = 0; static int getGameTime() { return invoke<int>(0x4F67E8ECA7D3F667); } bool refillThirstCoreScenario() { const char* animations[] = { "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkbottle", "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkshot", "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkmug", "face_human@gen_male@scenario@drinkhand" }; for (const char* animation : animations) { if (STREAMING::HAS_ANIM_DICT_LOADED(animation)) { return true; tAnimationSet = getGameTime(); break; } } return false; } void update() { // Core refilling actions if (TASK::GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 471)) { // Thirst if (refillThirstCoreScenario()) { if (getGameTime() - tAnimationSet > 5000) { PrintSubtitle("You drank!"); } } } } This is a reliable way to check if someone has drank a liquid. For eating you can check the eating animation like I did with drinking. Feel free to copy/paste this code - If you do use it, give yourself a high five in my honor.
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