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  1. I don't think its an issue with the mod I must have screwed up, I have no idea what the hell those are, Jim Beam must have installed them LOL! UPDATE: You were right, I pruned those things u mentioned and it is working again, I wonder how long its been off : X
  2. I am, I just had my brother use it too and it works for him. He can see showHealth and stuff. I reinstalled Scripthook and stuff and I am still having the issue. It's so weird, I didn't install any new mods or anything it just stopped working, here is screen of my root, maybe I screwed something else up. I have renistalled from the newest file on the NEXUS, I will do one more run thru reinstalling. There is just no fucking WAY I can play RDR2 without Ped Damage Overhaul lolz
  3. Hey, I am having a weird issue, I can see the enable disable text but showHealth is not working anymore and everyone I shoot regardless of how many shots don't fall and writhe and bleed anymore as if they never enter DS1. I reinstalled and put in the lastest ASI from the comments here. Same issue. I am going to try using the one included in the .RAR here just to be sure. I haven't had this issue before lol Edit: I am not using my config for PDO.ini its the base one from overhaul.
  4. For some reason this fixed all my issues with people running around even though their health was below the limit to keep them on the ground I have all shots cause bleedouts and without ur mod to keep them on the ground it looks funny. Been using this mod since day one LOVE IT.
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