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New Denim

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New Denim last won the day on July 8 2022

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Feller (1/10)



  1. Would be nice to see a mod that could edit the brightness of your lantern.
  2. @Entreped Well that just leaves me confused again, because I know I didn't touch those settings in the ini
  3. +1, I keep wishing someone would someday make this. Seems like a small thing, yet it just adds to the immersion so much, plus it's also a quality of life type of thing, not having to go into satchel, eat something, then loot the canned peas on the table 🙂
  4. @HugeAnus Well, I see then. Thanks for clarifying! Maybe the melee stuff ought to be disabled by default then
  5. I might add another bug I was encountering in the story missions. If I had friendly fire turned on, whenever I would ride in a wagon with a gang member, Arthur would consistently push them out of the wagon like he was highjacking it. They would just continue entering the wagon again and be pushed out. With friendly fire off it didn't occur. I don't know if this is a known bug.
  6. The two mission names I can recall were: Mary Linton's questline, the Saint Denis Chapter - "Fatherhood and Other Dreams", where you chase after and interrogate the guy who bought the brooch. and "American Fathers II", where you interrogate Danbury I do believe it was enabled. Can't recall tinkering with it. What exactly does the melee portion consist of? As far as I could see it just modifies the damage values, so I wouldn't have thought of that to be the reason, but maybe it is..?
  7. I'm experiencing an issue when this mod is enabled: When in story missions, and you are interrogating someone, the sequence bugs out and the interrogation doesn't progress in terms of the scripted dialogue. Only thing you can do is beat the subject either endlessly or until they die, sometimes failing the mission. Has happened with several missions. Made sure to check with only this mod, happens when it's installed, doesn't when it's uninstalled.
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