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  1. maybe the navy could have a dummy entry for the info or point to another weapon for the fix?
  2. ThreeSocks this is amazing! Any chance to get the online stable slots/horses into SP?
  3. anyone have the ids for the online horses? will that even work if we know the ids?
  4. ive posted on the reddit with no replies either
  5. has anyone used the drop guns option to confirm if this can be used to clear out unused weapons from inventory perm (saved to savegame)?
  6. honestly, IMO a strawberry ardennes would be better than the preorder war horse
  7. i KNEW this would happen if pc got a release. happy AF. fuck microtransactions
  8. it works this way with your temp horse. seems like it would be a matter of a hotkey that makes the game think your main is your temp, VOILA!
  9. Thanks sOOO much. im assuming i use outfit changer, then fall down to get the hat to fall off, then pickup for inventory save? or can i use them with the savegame editor easier?
  10. PLEASE, Please, Please.. someone port the online stable TEN SLOT stable into SP
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