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Everything posted by TheScouseOutlaw

  1. Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong. I would like the grip with Arthur Morgan initials. So I downloaded that file and put it straight in the LML folder. It does appear in the mod manager also. However, when I go to the gun store in valentine, there is only different coloured handles, like pearl, ebony and the two types of wood/varnish. I don't understand why it is not appearing?
  2. Hello, new to RDR2 modding. Started implementing mods today, started off by downloading LML vers 9 and putting LML in the RDR2 root folder with Vfs.asi in the same folder as .exe and manager on desktop. I then installed scripthook by Ab and ASI loader version 0.2 instead of 0.2.1 as thats what "why ems" in his guide suggested. I followed the instructions of all of these to the letter. I then downloaded the mods such as Why ems assortments, read dead offline, ped accuracy, honest brawls, holstering animation, finite response, remove screen effects and playstation icon replacement. i put all of these in the LML folder and they have shown up in the Mod manager. I then started them game with two mods activate (clothing). However, during the opening mission of riding with dutch to find micah, the game crashes at almost the exact same point. this has happened twice back to back. As i am new, i do not know if this is down to the mods themselves or the tools such as LML or scripthook etc, i did read that LML vers 8 had crashes and vers 9 had "potential fixes" but if that does not work, to go to an earlier version such as 7. is this correct and if so,can i download 7 and just overwrite when prompted or does it require me deleting all mods and added files to the original root folder and starting again? any help would be greatly appreciated as i have just bought the game again for PC to experience the mod community after buying on PS4. Thanks again in advance!
  3. Great mod mate, thank you very much for sharing.
  4. so do i need to download 3 , 4 and 5 and 5.01 or just the latest one? also, an installation guide said that scripthook is needed, is this true?
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