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  1. Any Chance the TimeCycle feature get fixed? It'd be awesome when it would work like the Longer Days Mod.
  2. Not features, but maybe some fixes and improvements? Perhaps that we don't lose our outfits after a reload, and that Arthurs hair and beard don't get reset in cutscenes. A lot of issues have been postet here... what would be cool is an option to toggle the satchel and the offhand holster on or off.
    The Mod itself is phenomenal - But, it isn't useable for playing the Story, as everything or at least some parts gets reset, after entering cutscenes and save reloads - which is sad. Also after loading a saved outfit from the mod, Arthurs Hair and Beard gets reset as well. I hope a fix is in the work - or even better, a mod that lets you save your modded outfit in your ingame wardrobe. The MP stuff is a "Nice to have" but it is clearly not desinged for Arthur. It is clippping as F*** and lacks almost any physics. If I'd be smart enough to create Mods, I would definitly focus on the SP parts and try to merge them perfectly in the story mode. Less is More! Personally I'd be more than happy to have the ability to remove the satchel and the offhand holster and be able to save this once and for all for certain outfits. So after all RDR 2 Outfit Changer in this state is a pointless Super Mod. It is like having a Ferrari without any Fuel at all, I just can't use it with purpose...;) But Keep up the work, I really appreciate the Mod Community.
  3. I figured that even when you start a mission with a saved outfit, Arthurs Hair and beard gets reverted back to normal in the cutscene. A fix - if possible would be highly appreciated.
  4. I played around with this mod now a lot. I Really love it, it is amazing. Is it normal that everytime I change my outfit from a vanilla outfit to one of my saved Outfit Changer outfits, Arthurs Hair and beard gets reset? It would be cool if the outfit doesn't affect Arthur Hair/Beard Style and length. But Thank you for this amazing Mod! It really makes fun and finally we can get rid of that offhand holster!
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