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  1. yes thanks i realize it 30 min after this post 😄 thank you works fine for me
  2. animation for hangig by simple trees without platform make no sense - the victims stand in front of a tree and wait for nothing. would be nice to shot the lasso over branches or other objects
  3. great but i disable it cause of eating way to much FPS when pressing F9 to enable it -.- edit: i optimized my settings so it run between 67-74 fps with mod and ~90 fps without
  4. +1 dead eye + disarm ---> EDIT ! it works only with gun owners AND it works with "you will have to antagonize people first in order to challenge them for a duel." disarm works fine but very slow aiming. duel cinematic camera bug so disabled! thanks! great mod MY SETTINGS: ; Set to 1 to enable duel cinematic camera EnableDuelCamera=0 ; Set to 1 to enable sound effects in duels EnableSoundEffects=1 ; Set to 1 to trigger a conversation between you and your opponent before a duel begins, and 0 to disable. EnableConversation=0 ; Set to 1 to avoid losing honor when killing peds in duels DisableHonorLoss=1 ; By default, you will have to antagonize people first in order to challenge them for a duel. AntagonizeFirst=0 ; Set to 1 to enable the option to challenge lawmen for duels DuelLawmen=1 ; Chances of peds to start shooting at you if you abandon the duel at the last moment (0-100) AttackOnBailingChance=50 ; Set to to 1 to kill opponents with a single shot OneShotKills=0 ; Set to to 1 to get killed by opponents with a single shot. For players looking for more challenge. OneShotDeath=0 ; Set to 1 to force npcs to always accept your duel challenges NeverRefuseDuels=1 ; The bigger this number is, the higher is the chance for peds to accept duels. ; Values between 0 to 2. 0 is the default behaviour, 2 will greatly increase the odds. AggressivenessTendencyFactor=2 ; Setting this to 1 will automatically flee your horse when it's too close to the duel location. FleeHorseWhenTooClose=1
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