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alfabravozapa last won the day on March 22

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  1. Mary linton, brilliant mod. . yeah shes cute , but sex ain't everything. we just got shot up and survived and I wanted to hug her, be a nice option if it's possible.


    If the game allows hugs.


    Also, camp girls is a great mod but has issues, maybe you could do your own version.


    thanks again 🙂



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  2. Requirement can be turned off in the .ini file .
  3. Version 1.1


    Dual Arthur’s original holster and a dual Gambler holster. Requires Remove Satchel and Remove Knife Sheath mods. To install extract inside main RDR 2 folder. To merge assets_drawable.ymt (WhyEm uses this file): 1. Delete assets_drawable.ymt file from this mod 2. Open assets_drawable.ymt file from another mod with text editor (notepad) 3. Press CTRL+F 4. Search for player_zero_holster_cup_000 and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERS text that is a few lines below it 5. Search for player_zero_holster_cup_009 and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERS text that is a few lines below it 6. Search for player_zero_holster_front_cup_000 and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERSLEFT text that is a few lines below it 7. Save the file Version 1.1: -removed Delete key function -minor change to the holstering animation -added Gambler holster
  4. Version 1.1


    Replaces Arthur’s original holster, Gambler holster, Nuevo Paraiso holster and Upgraded holster. To merge assets_drawable.ymt (WhyEm uses this file): 1. Delete assets_drawable.ymt file from this mod 2. Open assets_drawable.ymt file from another mod with text editor (notepad) 3. Press CTRL+F to open search window (search for the hashed names in the brackets if un-hashed names are not found) 4. Search for player_zero_holster_cup_000 (0x737D98EF) and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERS (0xDA59F244) text that is a few lines below it 5. Search for player_zero_holster_cup_004 (0x6FC08772) and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERS (0xDA59F244) text that is a few lines below it 6. Search for player_zero_holster_cup_009 (0x4F26CFEA) and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERS (0xDA59F244) text that is a few lines below it 7. Search for player_zero_holster_cup_013 (0xB2CF8FAE) and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERS (0xDA59F244) text that is a few lines below it 8. Search for player_zero_holster_front_cup_000 (0xC8ECC9A2) and delete COMPONENT_HOLSTERSLEFT (0xFF123945) text that is a few lines below it 9. Save the file Requires lml. To install extract inside lml folder. Version 1.1: -removed .asi script -added Gambler holster, Nuevo Paraiso holster and Upgraded holster
  5. Version 1.1


    If you already use weapons.ymt in some other mod search for <AttachPoint>WEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_KNIFE</AttachPoint> and put <HideWeaponsAttachedHere to true. To install put the folder inside lml. Version 1.1: -removed Johns sheath
  6. Will add Abigail at some point when the mood strikes...
  7. Can probably be done in persistentcharacters.meta file.
  8. Probably a conflict with another mod that affects health. Try setting ENABLE_WOUNDED_STATE in the .ini to 0;
  9. She should appear instantly. To stop playing just press reveal hud key.
  10. Version 1.1


    Fixed incorrect rowboat animations and disabled boat sinking. Hold jump key to row very fast and run key to row at medium speed. Requires Script Hook. To install, extract inside the main game folder. Version 1.1: -when entering or exiting the boat, the boat commands cannot be triggered -wrecked boat sinking is now optional
  11. Just by targeting her when you are standing on mostly flat terrain and standing still.
  12. Version 1.9


    Mary Linton will join the gang after the mission We Loved Once and True III is complete. Includes: -configuration menu (F3 key) -six different female companions -online clothes -Sadie Adler outfits -fishing -dancing (can be triggered when on extremely flat terrain and standing still by targeting companion) -love making (can be triggered when on mostly flat terrain and standing still by targeting companion) -simple alternative ending if you go help John (you need to load a moded save with Arthur as the player when the mission is finished to continue playing as Arthur https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/168?tab=description) -removed sickness (this has a permanent effect on the saved games) -play instruments (when standing still hold "jump" + press "reveal hud" to enable prompts) -order to companion to drive a vehicle (stand next to an empty vehicle and target the companion) -companion will fall down if badly injured, kneel next to her to help her (if you are using Ped Damage Overhaul mod you need to set WOUNDED_STATE_HEALTH in the .ini to less than 75) To install extract inside main game folder. To make metapeds.ymt compatible with other mods that use that file copy everything that is in mp_female and copy it to other mod. Also all companions need to have health set to this: <HealthConfigHash>HEALTH_STANDARD_PED</HealthConfigHash>. Version 1.1: -fixed player being ignored and Mary not shooting after dancing -fixed alternative ending not triggering -fixed Mary not fishing -rifle can now be put on the back -added a blip for Mary -revive ability can now be disabled in the .ini -when making love, Mary will now have the same hair that it was chosen in the menu Version 1.2: -fixed dance exiting -Mary will now get up immediately after being helped -Mary can now be revived if fully dead -Fixed Mary having Sadie's voice and name when switching to Sadie's outfits -mission requirement can be disabled in the .ini -fixed Arthur sometimes being invisible after making love -added instrument playing -added Bonnie MacFarlane, Harriet Davenport and Princess Isabeau (Bonnie and Harriet require Online Content Unlocker) -Mary can now ride as a passenger Version 1.3: -fixed Mary not talking after starting the game Version 1.4: -fixed Arthur not playing instruments when companion is in camp -fixed instrument prompts interfering with radar -changed the menu key for the controller to RB and B -removed random text appearing on the screen -when player is using a scenario in water, the companion will not sit -added Sadie -companion horse can now be selected in the menu -added Language.dat file Version 1.5: -removed companion complaints when following her around camp -fixed some horse parameters when switching the horse in the menu -added horse equipment customization Version 1.6: -companion will not sit on the ground when the player is at the bar -fixed grass when making camp -changed instrument key to hold "jump" + press "reveal hud" -companion will now whistle for her horse -added Alice Sinclair -added online clothes (some clothes are only compatible with Alice Sinclair's head) Version 1.7: -companion horse will now slow down when it gets close to the companion -added adjustable health and wounded state health in the .ini (if you are using Ped Damage Overhaul mod you need to set WOUNDED_STATE_HEALTH in the .ini to less than 75) -added solo dancing from MP -companion can now be ordered to drive a vehicle -added MP holster versions with removed knife sheath -fixed MP shirts glitching around the neck when not using MP head -added three MP torso versions -revamped love making -companion will now join the player in the bath -companion will now always hitch her horse when the player does -bow and knifes can now be selected in the menu Version 1.8: -companion will not join in the bath if We Loved Once and True III is not complete -adjusted hitching parameters -fixed walking style -disabled companion whistle when she rides with you Version 1.9: -fixed floating guns when using Sadie's holsters and online clothes -fixed companion not wearing all the clothes if spawned at the camp -fixed companion joining you in bath when she is at the camp -fixed companion shooting at your melee opponents when in hold fire mode -ride with me, hold fire and follow on missions can now be changed with behavior prompt when focusing on companion -loadouts can now be saved
  13. Do not know how to reproduce that but you can try disabling ENABLE_AIR_RAGDOLL in the .ini.
  14. In the .ini change from this: [CORE_POSITION] #Increasing X value moves core to the right, Increasing Y value moves core down. WIDTH and HEIGHT change how big the cores are. THIRST_CORE_X=141 THIRST_CORE_Y=755 FOOD_CORE_X=155 FOOD_CORE_Y=795 WIDTH=242 HEIGHT=430 to this: [CORE_POSITION] #Increasing X value moves core to the right, Increasing Y value moves core down. WIDTH and HEIGHT change how big the cores are. THIRST_CORE_X=182 THIRST_CORE_Y=687 FOOD_CORE_X=198 FOOD_CORE_Y=750 WIDTH=342 HEIGHT=608 Cores will be moving a little though when you open the weapon wheel but that is something I would have to fix... Does not matter where you ask the questions...
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