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  1. New betas seem to have a bit of a performance hit compared to the new ones. I'll try it out now! EDIT: Issue seemed to be lessened, but still exists, even with most revolvers now, when you shoot them in the chest-stomach, they just sort of freeze up and collapse,
  2. They're unavailable now, I figured out that it's mainly the higher-damage weapons that make the peds just stand still when you shoot them and they slowly fall to the ground.
  3. I noticed that when you shoot people in the limbs, they just sort of stand there for a minute, not moving, and then slowly fall down, like they freeze up.
  4. I should mention, PDO seem to work the same between arthur and John. With John, it seems to take more bullets to make them go down.
  5. Seems to be random, along with the long-standing issue of NPCs having rapid-fire revolvers, that can kill me in a single hit, not sure if it's with this mod or a problem with a game.
  6. I've noticed that somtimes when I shoot NPCs with high-powered rifles, they seem to just sort of stand still and fall down, and don't get knocked back at all.
  7. Any other tips to help with performance other than setting the number of NPCs?
  8. In the wilderness, a good 65. When I'm in towns, drops to about 25, like I said. Without mods, the FPS in towns is about 40-50.
  9. It actually works pretty well when I'm out in the wilderness, however when I get even close to a town (Armadillo or Van Horn are what I tried), FPS skydives to about 20-25.
  10. Just this one, No Dual Wielding (removes offhand holster), and NoHitmarker
  11. Did that, still issues with FPS. This is so annoying, here's my settings. system.xml
  12. Wait, somehow my PedDamageOverhaul got reverted back to the normal version, not the beta? No idea how this happened. I'll try the beta now, see if it happens again.
  13. Around the same, maybe more consistent FPS but it's about 30-40. I even took out the mod and tried, same thing? Maybe it's the new RDR2 update that's fucking my FPS. Any help?
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