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  1. Is there a certain value that I could chance that would make these animals attack more often? Right now it seems like an x amount of chance that they attack you when nearby. How can this be changed to happen more often?
  2. You mention: Enemy gang will attack you on sight [OPTIONAL] how is this turned on or off?
  3. Is it possible? Snakes are really just a minor nuisance now that scare your horse a bit. When they bite you it is really not an issue as you just drink a tonic and your fine. Snake bites are already so rare I would think that if you do get bit that it should be more serious. Could it be modded that Snake bites can only be cured by going to the doctor? This would make doctors more useful as well since I never really need to go there. Could it be modded so that snake bites will kill you over time if you don't go to the doctor? Not sure what the timer for this should be, maybe 10 minutes or so.
  4. Is this possible? I believe they originally were added to the game with no attack animation but then this was changed for RDR2 Online. Would it be possible to mod Coyotes so that they attack the player and perhaps also NPCS? Could they modded to not sometimes attack but in other cases still also run away? Thanks!
  5. thanks that sounds great! I have sent you a pm.
  6. Lets say for example If I wanted to add Spawn locations for Cougars in the Hearthlands. Would this be possible? And would they happen whenever I get to that location or would it only work like once? I am basically looking at making the game more dangerous by adding more predators in certain areas. Thanks.
  7. I would really appreciate a mod that would make Coyotes and Black bears attack the players. There are quite a few areas like the heathlands where there are no dangerous predators. This would fix some of this. I would give a nice donation for anyone who can make a mod for this. While It doesnt matter exactly how much they attack (100% attack rate being better then 0%) Something like this would be amazing (though probably not feasible): Changes I would like to see made: - Give Coyotes about a 5% chance to attack you in general but increase this to up to 50% if: · Your gun is holstered: an extra 5% chance to be attacked · You are injured: An extra 10% chance to be attacked for every 25% health missing. · There are 3 coyotes or more: 10% chance extra to be attacked. This would nicely show how opportunistic Coyotes are. - Black bears should have a 30% chance to attack you and try and kill you, a 30% to run away, A 30% change to do a mock charge and then flee and a 10% chance to just ignore you and keep moving on with their day as they sometimes do in the wild. To show that they attack people mostly for being territorial or being surprised it would be good perhaps if they only attack once you get too close. Further if possible perhaps a few more spawning locations for Grizzly bears, Wolves, Cougars, panthers and moose would be great as well. My main issue is that these animals have very few spawning locations and these locations are almost always exactly the same and become to easy to predict which takes away some of the excitement. I would be willing to good reward for this as it would really make the game a lot better for me.
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