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  1. UPDATE NEEDED Hey man, this mod needs an update. The online weapons such as the improved bow no longer show up, neither does other online things. Not to mention that many mods are dependent on this one to work, so no longer having updates backwalls the use of several other mods
  2. this probably needs to be updated since most of the saddles cannot even be seen and stirrups also. Now the online weapons such as the bow are working for me (though I did use the rampage trainer). The saddles and stuff were showing up I believe before the last update or at about a month ago
  3. Yea how exactly do we download use this, do we just copy/extract the content in the folder to LML
  4. There seems to be an Issue with LML. The stream folder is not there, and when I created one, none of the mods that require the lml/stream are working. Please Fix this because this is a big issue since a lot of mods require this
  5. Hey Friend I had a question about the online horses

    First of all I did the hex for the Buckskin Mustang and got 62121AEC

    I was able to find it through OpenIV and extracted it to the desktop like you said

    Then i replaced that text with the Dark Bay example you gave

    Problem is I think with the LML because for some reason the stream folder didnt come with the mod download (i had to create a separate stream folder) and I think this is causing an issue,


    Am I doing this wrong or is it a problem with LML

    1. Rhonu


      What is the issue exactly? Does the horse not show up? Does it still look like a Turkoman?


      It's totally fine to create the stream folder yourself, I did that too so I doubt that's the problem here. What else have you got installed?

    2. rambolambo


      I figured it out friend, I was dumb and didnt extract the lml folder and still had the Modloader folder..........dumb noob move on my part but now I can ride Spirit lmao Im childish

    3. Rhonu


      Awesome, glad it worked XD

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