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  1. Im having some problem with it , it doesent read mi game. ( i open the game but it says waiting for game) i tryed to install all of the versione but nothing. Can you help me please? Thank you @LMS
  2. I install all the file but the loader dont read mi game when it is running , it dont load any mod, so in the vfs log i global replace all the mods but it dont see mi game is running , wtf. Somebody knows what to do?
  3. It give to me this error : [FATAL] System.ArgumentException: The address cannot be null. Nome parametro: address in ‪‍‭‎‭‏‭‏‬‍‬‌‫‮‫‎‮‮‭‎‎‮.‏‪‫‍‮‮‏‎‭‍‎‬‌‍‎‍‍‬‎‎‬‌‭‎‪‫‮(IntPtr , Type , ‌‏‌‏‭‮‎‎‌‮‪‎‬‫‪‪‌‪‭‫‎‬‬‮‍‪‭‮[] ) in ‍‫‬‫‮‍‪‎‬‭‮‏‭‏‭‮‍‭‮‏‌‎‮.‮‎‎‭‮‌‎‬‭‍‏‭‬‍‍‫‪‌‬‭‫‪‍‮(Single , Single , String , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Boolean , Single , Single ) in ‌‫‭‪‏‪‫‫‬‭‪‌‪‭‫‏‭‏‭‬‍‏‮‍‮.‮‍‮‍‎‪‏‏‬‌‬‬‮‍‭‪‎‎‌‮(Single , Single , Single , Single , Single , Single , Single , Single , Int32 ) in ‮‏‪‎‍‌‫‍‏‬‫‬‌‏‬‌‮‪‌‎‮.‪‬‌‎‭‬‌‪‏‬‏‏‭‌‍‮‍‏‍‭‭‎‮‭‮(IKeyboardManager ) in ‮‏‪‎‍‌‫‍‏‬‫‬‌‏‬‌‮‪‌‎‮.‮‍‌‭‭‭‏‭‬‬‪‭‪‍‍‎‫‏‭‮‌‭‮‪‭‮‬‪‮(IKeyboardManager ) in ‌‏‫‮‬‎‭‪‮‫‮‮‭‮‫‬‎‭‮‮‮‫‏‌‮.‌‫‍‭‌‭‏‬‌‭‬‭‬‏‍‫‫‬‭‭‍‮() in ‌‏‫‮‬‎‭‪‮‫‮‮‭‮‫‬‎‭‮‮‮‫‏ ‌‮.‭‮‬‍‮‍‍‫‮‪‌‪‭‫‎‍‍‍‬‭‎‭‍‮()
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