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  1. DSStumbleChanceBothLegs = 1 DSStumbleChanceOneLeg = 1 ^^ these make the NPC stumble any time they move; not when hiding without moving (standing still) DSStumbleChanceBothLegs = -1 DSStumbleChanceOneLeg = -1 ^^ same effect Will keep them at 1 for the time being I have not tried the chance parameters, I don't think they will make a difference
  2. Thank you, I will test and report back. I'll start with the velocity at a minimum (5 for starters, see what happens) - the chances should be fine out of the box. It is very useful that you mention the list of the new parameters introduced at each version, helpful to not reconfigure the entire ini at each version change. Thank you! Question: is it even possible to hogtie NPCs which are collapsed / death animating? I find it impossible to lasso an NPC once they are down, and I'm wondering whether I'm missing something
  3. Thank you, it is looking very good indeed, and solving the issue. However, they stumble only when running away. If they are static (hiding behind an object) or walking slowly, they don't. This is not particularly troublesome (visible in normal gameplay) because if the PC is nearby they would run away anyway, so it's probably visible only when spectating them through a mod. Maybe set RunningThresholdBothLegs and RunningThresholdOneLeg to 1 if NPC is below DyingMovementThreshold? I don't know if these parameters are global (in which case, it would mess up other NPCs) or set per script instance (per NPC). Maybe not worth the trouble anyway. I'm noticing that the spine bone seems to be quite "broad and imprecise", meaning most of the shots to the back seem to trigger paralysis. Back of the shoulder too, not just center spine. Anyway, I'm aware of the paralysis chance parameter, will tweak that one. Can you make them crawl away, is there such animation / reaction? I know there is a kneeling praying one, randomly triggering that would be fun. I am really hoping some day you'd decide to tweak TYL, or make your own version 🙂 I'm sure it would turn up awesome with your programming skills.
  4. It's not about the health amount NPCHealth = 105 KnockbackThreshold = 100 NPCAccuracyThreshold = 100 DyingMovementThreshold = 50 DyingMovementThreshold2 = 30 DyingThreshold = 15 BleedWhenShot = 1 I've recorded a video with the settings above. It's longer because I have a low bleeding amount and longer bleeding activated, but it's quite evident: - NPC gets shot in the shoulder (not the legs, hence no reason to stumble later on) - Health after shot is above dyingmovementthreshold, so the NPC stands up after being shot - NPC runs away - NPC bleeds while running / standing - NPC dies when health reaches 0 There is no trigger for them to stumble below dyingmovementthreshold, unless you add one, so they will just stand up bleeding until death. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rgq01Nm4-uAPs74GRz_GixCNWb8suGdi/view?usp=sharing (also, a blip to locate them after they take off and hide would be useful)
  5. BleedWhenShot is enabled I know the bleeding works correctly, I have been monitoring it with Rampage. Also, the NPC does die, problem is they do not fall down. I think the mod needs to apply an automatic stumble when health < DyingMovementThreshold What is changed in this version?
  6. @HughJanus My values are NPCHealth = 175 KnockbackThreshold = 170 DyingMovementThreshold = 120 DyingMovementThreshold2 = 80 DyingThreshold = 55 Basically, any shot which puts the health between 175 and 120 (above 120) and is not in the legs (in which case they stumble and eventually stay down) results in the NPC running away, hiding standing up and bleeding out. When the health eventually goes to zero, they simply collapse and die, but before that, they will hide standing up.
  7. You seem to have done something (good) to the hanging grunts, they now hang silent when so configured in the ini. Call me bipolar (undecided), but can you make them grunt on lower volume / attenuated? The original sound is too high pitched for females, silent is too... well, silent. Anyway, silent beats squealing, so thank you. One issue about the bleedout: I've had peds running away and bleeding out (correctly), but standing (hidden somewhere). When the health reached zero, they just dropped down dead. A more realistic approach would be to constantly test their health versus some (dying) threshold, then drop them to the ground / knock out them, automatically, when below the dying threshold, and activate the dying sequence / animations. Adding an automatic blip to the bleeding targets would be most useful in finding them, and subsequently finishing them off. Anyway, good progress, all looks very good, thank you!
  8. ;Playerinvincibility is the setting for the player to be invincible (values: 0 or 1) PlayerInvincibility = 0
  9. Can I use the ini file from this version? https://www.rdr2mods.com/downloads/rdr2/scripts/42-ped-damage-overhaul/?do=findComment&comment=4274
  10. Can't say I've tested a lot, but WERO has a definite dealbreaker for me, which CURR does not seem to share: with WERO, whenever an NPC dies, they will squirm around actively before passing away. Which leads to very immersion-breaker (to me) scenes where you have the NPC lying down paralyzed for a couple of minutes then suddenly spasming around when actually dying. They will do the same if shot in the head before expiring on their own. With CURR the expiration is quite intuitive and "natural". So, it's definitely CURR for me. I haven't tested CURR enough to notice any quirks. So far so good.
  11. @HughJanus Using the last asi and ini, quick tests ModEffectRange = 75 => is it a range / radius, or is it number of NPCs? how to disable? BleedWhenShot = 1 => doesn't seem to work anymore MuteNoosedNPCs = 1 => not working, still making grunts, but I don't think you changed anything about this I had NPCs < DyingMovementThreshold raising up and running away; all the BleedingTask(s) are set to 0 Also had bleeding stopping at exactly DyingMovementThreshold (this used to be fixed) I'm not usually playing with WERO, I am trying it out now, is it any way to disable the spasms when dying? LE: replaced WERO with CERR and it seems better Thx
  12. Hi What bug, and what is the name of the ini setting? 🙂 Thx
  13. @HughJanus later edit Is there a newer / better version available? Is this the best source to get it? Script Hook V - AB Software Development (dev-c.com) TY
  14. I'm not sure how to tell. These are the files named "scripthook" in my RDR folder, but I don't know if I have others too
  15. Sure, give this a shot. Main "features": long (and deadly) bleedouts, minimalistic (long) hangings, muted dying convulsions, spine paralysis 100% PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  16. There seems to be a performance issue: - before starting the fight, I have constant 60FPS in the area - start the fight, after a while (minutes) FPS drops gradually towards 30FPS; GPU and CPU do not bottleneck, usage < 100% and no perceptible rise in usage during the fight - stop the fight, FPS raise almost instantly by around 10, but not back to 60FPS - leave the area, return => back to 60FPS Also, although "do not drop weapons" is checked, the combatants still drop their weapons when dead
  17. Hi @SgtJoe Wrote on Nexus too, adding some kind feature requests here as well, hope you don't mind - the mod usability would benefit a lot from having ini files for the teams, at least to specify lists of ped models - add a random chance for NPCs to spawn unarmed - add the spawned combatants into the Rampage database automatically on spawn, so I can "spectate" them through Rampage - is it possible to add randomly player clones to the teams? (I am aware there are ped model codes for the player, I am specifying clones because, for instance, mp_female spawns without a body by default) Thank you for considering
  18. Thanks, will have a look. I've just DM-ed you on the code, with some suggestions, without seeing this new version. However, my suggestions might be different than what you describe here, so please have a look yourself Is there any new setting in the ini? (that I need to port into my ini) On the topic of hogtied NPCs melee insta-kill: - if I shoot a hogtied NPC the damage and bleeding is applied as expected, they don't die instantly - they die instantly only if I kick them (melee attack) - the same seems to happen with the mod disabled, so it must be a core engine "feature" (or bug) About using CTRL+R to reload the script + ini, it used to work, but recently every time I do CTRL+R the game crashes to desktop
  19. @HughJanus 1. bleeding stopping at threshold = fixed, this is great, thank you! 2. TYL boost: I have NooseAudio = 0, and it seems there are two random possibilities - if the noose health boost occurs before TYL applies damage, then the NPC health goes above NPCHealth (healthy NPC + boost > NPCHealth), then the NPC will never die, health is stuck at NPCHealth + NooseHealthBoost and never decreases (including at NooseHealthBoost = 1) - if the noose health boost occurs after TYL damage, then NooseHealthBoost never happens for me, no matter how high/low I set it; not sure if it's due to NooseAudio = 0, I haven't tested with a differrent NooseAudio setting because I don't like NooseAudio 🙂 I don't know which trigger you are using to detect TYL-specific damage in order to apply the boost, but I believe you need to find a way to wait for TYL to apply some damage first, before triggering the boost. As for why the boost is not working after TYL starts applying damage, I don't know the cause. Also, I think I have found another bug (not sure if its game engine related, or PDO): if an NPC is hogtied, no matter their health, any damage insta-kills them. Hogtie NPC => kick them once => insta-kill.
  20. Excellent news, looking forward to testing it! Do you have access to the TYL code? Would be great to be able to fix some of the stuff in it.
  21. After tying them to the trees, you need to go to the end of the rope and wind it (press / keep pressed E)
  22. @HughJanus 1. BleedWhenShot should now not stack with BleedWhenDying => seems to work correctly now 2. LongerBleedingChance, LongerBleedingValue => these work fine, thanks 3. Please set all the tasks at the very bottom of the ini to 0 and check if it still happens => seems to fix NPCs suddenly walking away and stopping bleeding, but I'll need to test more; anyway, so far so good However, I've found a confirmed bug which I believe needs fixing, because it blows away the "immersion": if the NPC is bleeding and the health reaches exactly DyingMovementThreshold, the bleeding stops indefinitely. Example, considering LongerBleedingValue = 2 and DyingMovementThreshold = 100 - spawn NPC with health 150 - shoot NPC in the leg, damage 20, remaining health 130 - the NPC will start bleeding (correctly) until the health reaches 100 (DyingMovementThreshold), then it will stop bleeding for good (which is a bug) however - spawn NPC with health 150 - shoot NPC in the leg, damage 21, remaining health 129 - the NPC will start bleeding (correctly) until the health crosses < 100 (129 => 127 => .. => 101 => 99 < DyingMovementThreshold), then it will fall down (correctly) and start the dying bleedout until dead (correctly) I've tested it with LongerBleedingValue = 1 and it's confirmed, bleeding will stop at DyingMovementThreshold Anyway, good progress on fixes, thank you very much. Almost there, I think
  23. @HughJanus NPCs sometimes did not bleed out when in spine paralysis => seems fixed spine paralysis chance was applied inversely => seems fixed (although I had one NPC not paralyzing while shot in the back, maybe I haven't shot the exact spine, let's call it an outlier) BleedWhenShot was not working when certain other settings were set => not sure, pls see below - bleedwhenshot + bleedwhendying now seem to stack up, meaning they will bleed out very quickly when in a dying state (can probably be fixed / worked around by lowering the bleedwhendying probability) - I had NPCs with health = 2 suddenly stand up from a dying state, running away and never bleeding out - when shot without entering a dying state, sometimes they bleed out, sometimes they do not, I can't figure out a pattern I am attaching my ini, maybe I'm setting something wrong, or I have some conflicting settings PedDamageOverhaul.ini weird behaviors on leg shots when NPCs were moving quickly => not sure what this means Stuff which is still not working: - although I am setting NPCHealth = 150, sometimes NPCs spawn with health = 75, sometimes with 150, seems random - AlwaysBleedoutLonger doesn't seem to have any influence, not sure what would be the intended effect (bleed out how much longer?) - mentioned above, sometimes NPCs animating in a dying state suddenly stand up, run away and never bleed out, just hide
  24. Sounds great, looking forward to testing it Can I use my ini file from the previous beta? Or do I need to download the new ini (and re-change my settings) I have a lot of settings tweaked and I'd prefer to reuse the ini, if possible TY!
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