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SAC last won the day on July 18 2022

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  1. You are correct, that is the result of executing SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL on the NPC Below is what it looks like if I don't run any code on them. It is always the same pose, they move the legs a little
  2. Hi Do you happen to know which event / physicstasks section governs the behavior when suspended in mid-air? Thanks
  3. ^^LE: keep install.xml and Weatherclimates.xml in the SacDirt folder. Delete the other files from SacDirt. Should disable the rain and keep the dirt mechanics vanilla
  4. Hi. Try downloading the mod, then delete all files from the mod folder, keeping just the Weatherclimates file and the mod loader file (forgot the name, I am on my phone now). Weatherclimates is the file modded to disable the rain
  5. void NUM0_code(Ped aimed_target_ped) { if (aimed_target_ped && aimed_target_ped != NULL) // lobotomize ped { if (aimed_target_ped == PLAYER::PLAYER_ID() || aimed_target_ped == PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID() || !PED::IS_PED_HUMAN(aimed_target_ped)) { SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "*********************** Warning - Lobotomize ped - player or animal, aborting *******************************"); return; } else { DECORATOR::DECOR_SET_INT(aimed_target_ped, "SAC_do_not_sandbox", 1); if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "Lobotomize ped - checkpoint 1"); TASK::CLEAR_PED_TASKS_IMMEDIATELY(aimed_target_ped, false, false); if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "Lobotomize ped - checkpoint 2"); PED::SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS(aimed_target_ped, true); if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "Lobotomize ped - checkpoint 3"); TASK::TASK_STAND_STILL(aimed_target_ped, -1); if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "Lobotomize ped - checkpoint 4"); // EVENT::SET_DECISION_MAKER(aimed_target_ped, MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("EMPTY")); if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "Lobotomize ped - checkpoint 5"); TASK::TASK_TURN_PED_TO_FACE_ENTITY(aimed_target_ped, PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 4000, 0, 0, 0); if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "HM - Lobotomize ped - end success"); } } else if (verbose_logging) SAC_appendLineToFile("sac_utils_log.txt", "HM - Lobotomize ped - failed, no target, or target not human"); } If you ignore the fluff, it's basically TASK::CLEAR_PED_TASKS_IMMEDIATELY(aimed_target_ped, false, false); PED::SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS(aimed_target_ped, true); TASK::TASK_STAND_STILL(aimed_target_ped, -1); Note that I have commented out EVENT::SET_DECISION_MAKER(aimed_target_ped, MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("EMPTY")); because, at least for me, it generated crashes
  6. I suggest deleting visualsettings.dat from the mod folder and test without it, see if (1) the mod still works and (2) the face effect on the player goes away?
  7. Didn't notice, but I don't look at Arthur much. Screenshot?
  8. The rain will wash away the dirt. I don't know. I can do a script which applies dirt but it would not be contextual (i.e. dirt only on the body parts touching a dirty surface)
  9. I understand what you mean but I need specific model names to implement this feature
  10. Tweaking any persistence parameters is not on my schedule for the foreseeable future. what are the “dispatched marshals”? Is there a model name for them? (like a_m_m_marshal_something) At best I will make this “restriction” a configurable option. I like the general NPCs cleaning up.
  11. I’m confused why there are 2 downloads of the ASI file and 5 of the INI, so maybe worth specifying: both files need to be downloaded and placed into the RDR main folder (like with any other script mod)
  12. On the same topic, I've whipped up this mod before going away, and decoupled it from my other code today. Check it out, see if it's worth pursuing. What it does is to set up a "mass grave" location. NPCs will randomly and automatically pick up dead bodies, carry them to the mass grave site, and dump them there. You can also use NUM6 (not F6) while focusing on a live NPC to make it stop whatever it's doing, pick up the nearest corpse and carry it to the site. So far there is only one site configured, in Valentine, the pig farm behind the sheriff's office. If this mod gets traction, and if I have the time, I can (probably, no idea how, but can probably figure it out) add a dynamic list of sites that we can crowdsource the coordinates for. Please note that the mod will generate an ever-growing (although slowly) log file. Please delete manually if it gets too large. Also, please report here if you notice any of the bugs described in this file comment. I am running a lot of personal code and I have been trying for a month to track down that issue, still can't figure it out. Also, please report if you get occasional stuttering. In my testing I haven't had any significant performance issues, but it helps keeping an eye out. SAC dead body removal.asi SAC_dead_body_removal.ini
  13. Likely. I have tried shortening the decay durations there but so far I've been unable to get a dead body to decompose
  14. Hi, Been away longer than expected and still have a lot of backlog IRL to catch up with. I will look into the above requests when I can get to them In the meantime, kindly please report here if you experience any of the following issues while having this mod installed: 1. Player character or NPCs around suddenly and randomly unable to move (walking in place) 2. Cart horses suddenly getting stuck in place and panicking Reason I am asking is that I am running a number of mods and I am not sure which one triggers the above. Selectively disabling mods has been inconclusive so far Thanks
  15. please remember to add any potentially useful info you may find into this thread as well
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