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Will last won the day on January 31 2021

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  1. To add money just do (replacing 100f with whatever amount you want): Game.LocalPlayer.Money += 100f;
  2. Solutions to some of the more common issues, as well as additional FAQ, can be found here: https://bit.ly/2CIZoMc Please be sure to read through that before posting a new question in this section. Special thanks to @A Stranger and the RPH Discord for providing this FAQ.
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  3. Also, if you have any suggestions for locations please post them here. A screenshot on the map or in-game coordinates would be helpful as well.
  4. Make sure you installed 0.3.2 and not 0.3. I'll be removing 0.3 from the download once I'm home, it was only intended for anyone using an outdated internal RDRFR build. If the person running while you are arresting is happening on 0.3.2 a video would be helpful to see exactly how you approach the callout. The stolen horse callout was not made by me.
  5. I'm pretty sure this is because you are arresting them before you get close enough to trigger their acknowledgement. It's a relatively low distance since every store is different and I'd rather not have the guy react while you are still outside with some stores. If he is still aiming at the shopkeeper when you try to arrest, the criminal hasn't acknowledged you yet. I'm adding a check to not have him react if you are in the progress of arresting him, but I would recommend getting close enough to trigger his acknowledgement for the full experience with 3 different outcomes. I'll also increase the distance slightly so you don't have to be right up on him.
  6. I'm in no way affiliated with the Patreon program. I make nothing by releasing this. It's uploaded here to give people who do have access to RDRFR a central place to download it, and as a way to show those who don't have access what can be done with the mod. If you don't like it, don't look at it.
  7. When it's ready
  8. Version 0.3.3


    Deputy, you've got work to do! These callouts will make you feel like a true lawman in the Wild West
  9. That also isn't a Native trainer, it's adjusting values in memory or however a smarter person would explain it. As far as we know, this is the first scripted mod for the game that's actually using the game's functions to manipulate things.
  10. 8 am ET If timezones are confusing, here's a countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20191105T08&p0=179&msg=RDR2+PC+RELEASE&font=sanserif&csz=1
  11. I believe it's the same where you can change it once you've reached 10 contents.
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