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  1. Hey there, sometimes windows likes to be a total asshat and block dll files... within your RDR directory, hold in shift and right click in a free space (without anything selected) and click on 'open powershell here' or something like this. then type in this command (which will recursively unblock any files for you) gci = Get Child Item (files) -r = Recursive flag ./ = current directory Unblock-File = what it says on the tin. Hopefully this helps you. EDIT: P.S. I also have a 1060 (laptop) and ive not experienced any issues with crashing on loadscreens other then when an update for RDR has been released. Current Rule to follow: If RDR updates, check here for an updated hook as its most likely screwed the old hook up (which is completely understandable as Rockstar wish to protect online so they will do their best to try foul anyones efforts because some people cant leave MP alone) Or something like each town/area may have different relationship groups that require attention before becoming hostile towards certain scenarios? I am yet to get my hands dirty in RDR yet(code wise) just a total stab in the dark and more then likely way off the mark.
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