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innxcence last won the day on March 19 2022

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    United Kingdom
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  1. did u find a way to remove this?
  2. That would be AMAZING! 🙂
  3. I see! thanks for replying. so is there a possible workaround?
  4. Seems only to work on converting ytd files when they're quite small in storage size? But sometimes on small files, it still doesnt work... Any suggestions?
  5. I am acc still getting these issues with only a few files in the stream folder, However it is less noticeable popins, it is still there. Could it be a problem with LML 10? idk
  6. Hey yeah thanks 😄 yeah ive pretty much scrapped the stream folder with texture mods sadly.
  7. A less intrusive hit marker 🙂
  8. I had this issue. simply removing all textures fixed this for me. but like LMS said, its due to bigger res textures. I learned that the hard way heh.
  9. I sorted it. I had to find these effects ids: EFFECT_HEALTH_OVERPOWERED EFFECT_STAMINA_OVERPOWERED EFFECT_DEADEYE_OVERPOWERED and for the version of overpower, you need to find the "EFFECT_DURATION_CATEGORY" so the first version would be "EFFECT_DURATION_CATEGORY_1", and the max is "EFFECT_DURATION_CATEGORY_3".
  10. So im trying to edit the special miracle tonic to change level 2 stats to level 3 stats. The effectids are in hash so im just wondering if i can find the text versions. Edit: Im editing the catalog_sp.ymt
  11. For me i fixed this by going into the LML.ini and changing LogLevel=2 to LogLevel=0 im not a modder myself but i was just tinkering and this seems to fix the issue for me
  12. Hey, i was wondering if there is a way to disable PDO feature with them staying on the floor then dying? this mod works very well! my fave euphoria mod but when i enable PDO it seems to make them drop on the ground in a weird manner. thanks Also with PDO on, Peds often fly in the air and swing about!! haha does anyone know a fix?
  13. By manually do you mean by the exe? because I cant do that. using rockstar launcher.
  14. it doesnt work. well not for me and many others.
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