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Feller (1/10)



  1. Is true, mthere must be a way to spawn original legendary animals.. the option for change the color of the pelt is fake. it just doesnt make the legendary animal.
  2. Is it possible somehow to make HOWLING the wolf?like if i change the model into a wolf i would like make it howling
  3. How i can spawn legendary animals?what is the code?
  4. you right...exactly. but i saw some people on YT using i think that trainer..maybe? and for them works.. like that guy that spawned 20 bears on st denis and they were attacking everyone
  5. Hey guys why when i spawm animal like many bears they just run away from me and others?like they wont attack
  6. i dont know why when i use Spawn Ped..an animal like a bear..they just run away without attacking civilians..why?
  7. Can you change how much meters you can do the super jump? like very high
  8. The owner knows already about the problem. Just wait for the fix
  9. Yeah the game crash in the loading screen after that 2gb update. Please fix
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