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  1. Is this mod still being worked on? I'm wondering if someone else could and should take over for this mod, or a potential substitute.
  2. Is it possible to add some of the repeating missions from Red Dead Online to this mod?
  3. Considering how there become less and less places to donate during the story, eventually leading to no consistent places to donate, it would be nice if there was a mod to create new places to donate money, valuables, and/or food in order to gain honor.
  4. A common mod type I've seen is the ability to change the frequency of random encounters, and I think a similar mod would be nice to have in Red Dead Redemption 2.
  5. It would be nice to have a mod to increase the value of pelts, or at least the value of perfect pelts. Combined with the Hunting Wagon mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/133), it would really go a long way in making hunting a viable way to make money, the way it was in the original Red Dead Redemption.
  6. Would it be possible to increase what the fences will pay for horses or wagons? The prices do currently seem to be generally agreed to be far too low, especially for horses. The fencing of these items do seem to be a different system than typical commerce, so it might be doable without disrupting other mods. I don't actually know, which is one reason I am asking.
  7. This mod seems to do what you are talking about:
  8. Dog Companion https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/725
  9. If there was a mod that did things like increase the fencing price for horses and wagons, or the sales price of pelts, would that conflict with this mod or not? Would a mod that let me donate to the church or something similar conflict, because I'm looking for mods like the ones I mentioned, or potentially making them if it would be easy and safe enough, but I don't want to interfere in this mod.
  10. I'm having a glitch where I cannot untie someone who has been tied up with my reinforced lasso. My character starts to try to untie the other person, then just stops and freezes, eventually resetting to normal behavior. This seems to happen with John, and I don't remember it being an issue with Arthur.
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