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Everything posted by crossed99

  1. EDIT: Nevermind, it was another mod interfering. Anyone has experience with changing a non-player ped's health? If I use this code and log it: ENTITY::SET_ENTITY_MAX_HEALTH(myPed, 1000); ENTITY::SET_ENTITY_HEALTH(myPed, 500, 0); LOGD << " " << ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_HEALTH(myPed) << " " << ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_MAX_HEALTH(myPed, 0); WAIT(0); LOGD << " " << ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_HEALTH(myPed) << " " << ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_MAX_HEALTH(myPed, 0); It logs this: 2021-09-24 20:28:28. 500 1000 2021-09-24 20:28:28. 105 105 So it changes it's health but it changes back right after. Same if I change it to lower values. I can set it to 0 though to kill them. Is there a way to do this, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks! On an unrelated note: I think the search function isn't working, I don't get any hits no matter what I search for..
  2. Glad you like them :) I tried doing something like that, take control without changing places, but so far I couldn't. Hopefully I can come up with something..
  3. In case someone comes across this, the prompts come up if you turn off config flag 130, whatever that is, though I don't know if there are any side effects: PED::SET_PED_CONFIG_FLAG(ped, 130, 0);
  4. Well that's a different one than what I've been told before, at least now I'm pretty sure it's false positive, no way it has multiple viruses lol
  5. Were you wanted? If so, that failed the mission and the passengers freaked out because of that. (Though I realise it can happen while figthing off bandits, the passenger behavior is still a work in progress..)
  6. Nope, I check. Payment depends on the distance of the destination, but I think there's no way it should be that low.
  7. Thank you! Can I ask what anti-virus you use? I did have others report their anti-virus flagging the file, but I scanned it and my whole pc with multiple anti-viruses and unable to find anything.. I'm still looking into the issue so everyone download at you own discretion I guess.
  8. Sounds kind of like the base game 😄 Seriously though, I was thinking about adding "back alley" job givers who'll have illegal jobs for you, so I might do something like this at some point.
  9. Came across these while looking for something, maybe you can use them to knock the player out and then hogtie him? TASK_KNOCKED_OUT(Ped ped, float p1, BOOL permanently) TASK_KNOCKED_OUT_AND_HOGTIED(Ped ped, float p1, int p2)
  10. I have no idea.. There are things like TASK_HOGTIEABLE or SET_PED_CAN_BE_INCAPACITATED that might make the player hogtieable, but they're only wild guesses. I guess it's possible that you can't do it to the player.
  11. If you wan't the player to hogtie the spawned ped then I think it needs to be the other way around like this: TASK::TASK_HOGTIE_TARGET_PED(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), myped); I haven't tried but I guess the target might needs to be knocked out for it to work.
  12. Oh, right, the delivery jobs mod is mine actually ^^' I plan to add pop up text that tells you things like that, I know a lot of things are not clear.
  13. You can do that in the "Stash that wagon" mod (don't know if you can find it here or only on nexus), the creator shared the code so you can check that out. It's just not working very well, sometimes it puts the horses underground..
  14. Ped spawnPed(Hash pedModel, float coordX, float coordY, float coordZ) { STREAMING::REQUEST_MODEL(pedModel, true); while (!STREAMING::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(pedModel)) WAIT(0); Ped pedSpawn = PED::CREATE_PED(pedModel, coordX, coordY, coordZ, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1); PED::_SET_RANDOM_OUTFIT_VARIATION(pedSpawn, 1); ENTITY::PLACE_ENTITY_ON_GROUND_PROPERLY(pedSpawn, 1); ENTITY::FREEZE_ENTITY_POSITION(pedSpawn, 0); STREAMING::SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(pedModel); return pedSpawn; } I do it like this. So you can do something like this for example, this should spawn Charles next to you: Vector3 plCoords = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), true, false); Ped myPed = spawnPed(MISC::GET_HASH_KEY("CS_charlessmith"), plCoords.x + 2, plCoords.y, plCoords.z);
  15. It's possible, sure. I've never done anything with animals but can't be much more difficult than spawning people I guess. You could spawn them whenever you're close to that location, or just have a random chance to spawn them around you every now and then, don't even need to tie it to a certain location.
  16. I didn't find the option either, but I only checked my really old version, figured it might be in newer versions, but haven't got around to check yet, so I don't know.
  17. You can check the player's model with this native: GET_ENTITY_MODEL(Ped playerPed); This is the hash for Arthur's model: 0xD7114C9, this is John's: 0xB69710 (I don't know if there are more variations) Then I guess you can use this to change the player's model back: SET_PLAYER_MODEL(Player player, Hash modelHash, BOOL p2) Probably have to request it first and wait until it's loaded: REQUEST_MODEL(Hash model, BOOL p1) HAS_MODEL_LOADED(Hash model) I use script hook and C++ so don't know how exactly to put them into your code. As far as learning how to do things go, just looking at other mods is probably the best way.
  18. Version


    Buy your own wagon or stage and transport people / goods, and fight bandits to make an honest living
  19. Ahh... after some quick testing, I couldn't make the SET_PED_CONFIG_FLAG one work, but it seems like I can make them temporarily "no longer needed" while I'm targeting them, so it works that way. ( Assuming making them mission entities again afterwards will keep them around.) I'll take a look, maybe It'll give me an idea how to properly do it. Thanks both of you! ^^
  20. Anyone know how to make spawned peds have the greet & insult promts when you target them? I thought it would be this native but didn't seem to do anything on it's own: SET_PED_CAN_USE_AUTO_CONVERSATION_LOOKAT Thanks!
  21. Thank you! Sure, it's probably not perfect when you're shot either, I'll do some tweaking sometime soon-ish. To be honest I though it would be a waste of time to add crits for NPCs, since there are other mods that do similar things, and much more, like Ped Damage Overhaul. But I like messing with this mod so maybe I will at some point :)
  22. You can lower the chances or turn it off in the ini.
  23. Yeah, the changes I made in the latest version didn't exactly work as I planned... I just uploaded a new version that should fix the worst of it.
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