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Everything posted by crossed99

  1. The menu closing when you walk away is normal. The menu keys are hard coded to those keys unfortunately, so if that doesn't work for some reason then I don't think there's anything you can do right now. I plan to add an option to change the menu keys, if I ever get around to upload a new version.....
  2. You can use the arrow keys on keyboard to move around in the menu, and use 'Enter' to accept or 'Backspace' to exit a menu. On controller it's the d-pad if I remember correctly and the A and B buttons to accept and exit.
  3. Hello! The files need to be in your 'Red Dead Redemption 2' folder, *not* inside the 'data' folder. They need to be unpacked, you only need the three files with the .asi, .ini and .dat extentions. You can download Scripthook from here: http://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/ You also have to unpack the scriphook files in your Red Dead 2 folder, next to the mod files. But as noab guy said above, these mods generally not intended for online play, I don't even know if this one would work online and they might even get you banned, so I wouldn't recommend using it online.
  4. Hmm weird... Anyway, glad you figured it out 🙂 Still, setting it to real time might actually cause issues as I've said above. Setting it up to 30000 should be fine, maybe even above it, but not sure. No, setting the hotkey to 0 shouldn't cause any problems. And no, scripthook mods won't work if you put them into the LML folder, they have to be in the game folder. It's not up to the mod, only the creator of scripthook could change that.
  5. Are you using it with the default timescale setting? Setting it too high can cause issues. I'm not sure what's "too high" though, if you're using higher values (longer days) you could try lowering it and see if it works.
  6. Nope, the prison wagon is just fluff currently, I planned to add more functionality for it, but didn't get around to do so yet..
  7. It should use the same keys you use to control wagons, WASD by default, but if you change the controls for wagons in the options they should change for the balloon too. And Shift and Ctrl to ascend and descend (by default). If it doesn't work try checking the wagon controls in the options maybe.
  8. It should.. If I understand correctly you actually used the menu to store it, not just left it parking there (you can do that too though). If so, please make sure you have AMJMTransport_StoredWagons.dat in your game folder (stored wagons are saved in that file) and that it's not read-only for some reason. You can set wagon prices in the ini file, you can set it to 0 to get your wagon back for free if you want to.
  9. Do you use other mods? Did you download scripthook and all that? You need to target the store owner and if you're close enough a prompt should come up, something like "Wagons, Jobs..". Make sure you stand close enough. Sometimes his normal prompts come up but you still need to be closer for the mod's prompt to appear. Also if you use other mods that add prompts and they use the same key they might block this mod's prompt. Try the saloon and / or the hotel in Valentine too just in case..
  10. Late reply but you can't collect your payment at "minor locations", only in towns, so as Esceyy said above you can collect any payment you didn't pick up in post offices in towns, or you can collect the payment where you started the job (Blackwater in this case).
  11. You can change in the ini file what key should be used to bring up the NPC menus, if the default G is used by another mod.
  12. Thanks :) You can hire them is saloons in any town that has one. You have to target the bartender for the prompt to come up. Google translate: Sie können sie in jeder Stadt mieten, die einen hat. Sie müssen den Barkeeper anvisieren, damit die Eingabeaufforderung erscheint.
  13. Do other options work in the ini? Can you enable zombies for example? Also - I guess it's obvious, but just in case - the wagon menu only works for wagons that you purchased at the store, not for any wagon.
  14. Hello! Are you sitting in the wagon? If so, it should be enough just to press the key, but if you're standing next to the wagon you need to hold it for a second. In case you have a non-english keyboard, try binding it to a key that's should be the same on all keyboards, like backspace is '8' for example, just to test it. Don't really know other than that... :\
  15. Entering the driver seat should bring up the menu. But I think you're using and older version? The latest is I removed that prompt for the boat/wagon menu a while ago because being able to target the vehicles caused issues. Now you can only open the menu with the keyboard shortcut (I'll try to make it work with controllers at some point..), but the customization menu after buying one should come up automatically when you're close
  16. Sure, I'll update it with the next version.
  17. Thanks! 😄 This is my discord handle: crossed#4068 I don't hang out there too much though, so you can pm me here too if you want to. But I prefer working on my own ideas to be honest, so unless it's something really small I'll probably have to respectfully decline :)
  18. With deputies the prompt only comes up while you're inside the sheriff's office / police station, but on sheriffs it should come up anywhere.. Does the prompt come up on other NPCs like shopkeepers? Any chance you use a mod that adds a prompt to sheriffs that uses the same key as this one?
  19. Hello! I'm having a lot of trouble trying to upload here lately, Nexus has a newer version of the mod if you'd like to check it out, I *think* this issue is fixed in it.
  20. Hello, sorry for the late response, you just have to have them near your wagon when you unload the goods back in town, they're taken into custody "off screen" :) Same for hostages.
  21. I'm using this one to do that: ENTITY::_SET_ENTITY_COORDS_AND_HEADING_NO_OFFSET(entity, coord.x, coord.y, coords.z, heading, true, true); Can't remember why I started using this instead of SET_ENTITY_COORDS, but this one works for me.
  22. The custom list causes issues when you change the list while you currently have a bodyguard saved from the list. You can delete the .dat file to get rid of your saved bodyguards, that should fix the crash (unless it's a completely different issue...). I'll fix it at some point. I'll check the hotkey, too.
  23. No, it doesn't block the rest, you can do anything else while the ped is doing the sequence. Also, you don't have to clear the sequence immediately like I did, you can use the same sequence multiple times.
  24. Yes, I guess something like checking if he's moving with TASK::IS_PED_STILL and waiting until he stopped should work but you can also do a sequence of actions like this: int changePosSeq; TASK::OPEN_SEQUENCE_TASK(&changePosSeq); TASK::CLEAR_PED_TASKS(0, 1, 1); TASK::TASK_FOLLOW_NAV_MESH_TO_COORD(0, guardPos.x, guardPos.y, guardPos.z, 0.8f, -1, 0.05f, 1048580, 40000.0f); TASK::TASK_ACHIEVE_HEADING(0, guardPos.h, 1500); TASK::TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE_HASH(0, MICS::GET_HASH_KEY(scenario), -1, true, true, 0.0f, true); TASK::CLOSE_SEQUENCE_TASK(changePosSeq); TASK::TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE(ped, changePosSeq); TASK::CLEAR_SEQUENCE_TASK(&changePosSeq); I use this in my gang hideouts to make them move around and do stuff. Put zeros in the sequence in place of the ped handles, only use the actual ped in the perform sequence line.
  25. Sure, I wouldn't want you to remove it or anything :) The way it works is I add 500 to their HP, and when their health goes under 500 (when they lost their original health amount) they don't die, just go ragdoll until you revive them. So when PDO re-sets their HP to something under 500 they just go ragdoll immediately. Anyway, I don't think you can do anything, I might try to implement it some other way at some point..
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