This is a strange one (for me)
I can have a few quest markers on my map, but if I complete a quest, the quest/stranger markers disappear. But if I sleep they magically reappear....
Im running a 'few' mods so Im guessing I may have some kinda conflict.
M mods:
bank robberies
stagecoach robberies
ambient gangs
bounties expanded
ped accuracy fix
ped damage overhaul
camp anywhere
unlock all weapons
red dead offline
dead eye from start
outfit changer
lennies mod
script hook
asi loader
custom walk speed
Im no expert, all Im gonna do is uninstall a mod and see if that fixes the problem. But thats gonna take forever, because too test I gotta complete a mission and see if the quest markers dont disappear. Then rinse repeat till they dont.
Can anyone here see any obvious conflicts so I can at least have somewhere too start. Would it be a good idea to start with mods that add map markers?? do I just have too many mods?? is it possible to find the conflicts (like ya sometimes can with vortex)?? Im really going in blind here, so any help or suggestions would be great.
cheers 🙂