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    United Kingdom
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  1. Please please could you update the issue where the items you've picked reset when you enter a cutscene, I really want to keep the same look but having to reselect everything after every cutscene or scripted event takes a long time. Thanks
  2. Is there anyway for the settings to stop resetting during the start of a cutscene? I set my outfit combo but when the cutscene starts a bunch of the items reset to their default. If I change them during the cutscene they reset when it's finished also. It is a great mod just wish this feature was resolved.
  3. Mods such as the miniNPC's that was recently uploaded or even just trying to change the player model in a cutscene, most of the mods I've tried don't work during them, anyone know why?
  4. Thanks for the great mod, the only issue I've found is that certain items (hair mainly) reset when entering cutscenes, is there anyway around this as it can be quite distracting to constantly have to go back into the menu to change it after every cutscene?
  5. A proper freecam would be amazing, with different speed settings and fov adjust.
  6. This is great apart from that I keep getting infinite loading screens when trying to replay missions from the story menu, anyone know a fix?
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