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  1. Thanks for the reply mate, but I've long since given up on it. Nothing to do with my CPU or RAM. I still had the same problem with 32gb 3600mhz dual channel and a 3900x should have been able to keep up just fine. I've had no issues with other games which are more CPU demanding than RDR2. It was - as far as I could tell - the game dumping VRAM and - as I said previously - it turns out to be a common problem for some people in Saint Denis, and to a lesser extent Valentine, regardless of their systems. Tried every external app and other fix known to man at the time, but no luck.
  2. Yeah, I have the same problems, with the original 'story' holsters and gunbelt still showing when I buy or equip one of the Red Dead Offline ones, unless I also add the secondary mod holster, which the gun completely clips through in addition to the same 'knife through the guts' issue. I also have something in the trapper's accessories section that makes the game CTD when highlighted. Haven't been quick enough to see which item it is. Whilst I really appreciate the efffort of the author in this mod, the problems with the items added in 1.2 make it too buggy for me to want to use. Going back to 1.1 for now.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to help out mate, much appreciated. I'll have a look into it asap.
  4. I seem to be having a problem/bug where the standard gunbelt and holster stays equipped when wearing any of the added gunbelts, with both showing and the single player holster clipping through the added multiplayer ones. EDIT: Managed to fix that by buying an offhand holster and equipping that, but there's another problem: the ammo (bullets) from the front of Arthur's belt remain on all the other gun belts, which float in mid air on many of them such as the Regent belt for example. Not complaining about this, just highlighting bugs. 🙂
  5. All good mate. Thanks for taking the time to respond regardless. Seems that a lot of people are having similar problems regardless of their hardware and settings from what I've been reading. I guess the RAGE engine just doesn't play nice with some people's systems. I'll just avoid towns I guess. Arthur doesn't like 'civilization' anyhow does he. 😁
  6. It's mainly in Saint Denis and Valentine. The worst areas for the amount of glitching and hanging of all are near the Church (the larger one) in Saint Denis, outside the Saint Denis police station and the stables and entering Valentine. I think that it's the less CPU intensive areas seem to be less affected. When I first start playing as long as I stay in the wilderness. The RAM increases around Valentine and Saint Denis though. and once it hits that 10gb mark (usually in 5 or so minutes of riding around if I'm in Saint Denis) then bam! Stutters and hitching. The VRAM also fills up to the 7.5GB max if I have almost all of the settings all maxed (at 1080p), but even if I don't and the vram is lower, the system ram still builds up to and then dumps that half gig at around 10gb in the populated areas. I've tried everything with the page file, including system managed, setting various manual parameters and disabling it all together. Nothing works. Limiting the FPS, Vsync off/on/half, various launch arguments, Vulkan, DX12, async compute on/off, installing it on different drives (nvme and 'regular' ssds). Nothing. I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with the game freeing up ram or something to load new assets, but I'm damned if I know why it would do it at the 10gb mark on a system with 32gb of ram. I tried Rockstar Support of course, but, well you know how that goes....
  7. I hope that this isn't the wrong sub-forum, but I'm having an issue with the game that's driving me nuts. I can run the game at a good frame rate, but in certain areas (mainly Saint Denis) I get really noticeable hitching/stutter. This occurs when RAM usage hits around 10GB or so, at which point the game then dumps about half a gig of ram and the game stutters/hitches quite badly. Given that I have 32gb of RAM, does anyone know a way to allocate more RAM to the game and/or stop it dumping RAM when reaching 10GB usage? Perhaps a file that can be edited or something? In game settings and launch commands make no difference by the way. As people always want specs..... Specs: 5700xt, 3900x, 32gb RAM (4x8)@ 3600mhz, 850W gold PSU, 3 SSDs one of which is an nvme. Tried the game on all of them. I'm not even sure this is the right sub-forum to ask this, but I can't find answers anywhereelse , so thought that i might as well give it a shot. Anyhow, any help would be much appreciated.
  8. Apologies if this has already been suggested, but would it be possible for somebody to mod the map (offline) to show all of the collectables like dinosaur bones, playing cards etcetera. I know that RDO map exists but something for story mode without having to alt-tab out of the game would be great. Also, something to toggle the button prompts on or off would be great. Overall I find them to be an immersion breaker, but occasionally I still forget which buttons to use, usually during missions. Having them appear dynamically when you push down on the dpad where it shows the map, money etc when set to dynamic would be great. Not sure if it's doable mind.
  9. You do great work man. You've given the game a fresh lease on life for me. So appreciative. 👍
  10. I just registered to say thanks so much for this awesome mod Lenny and for your work in general. 👍 Will you be adding clothing items or the like at some point in the future or is that not viable?
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