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  1. @WesternGamerok , I guess I'll need to work out the new system then
  2. Does this support the current version of the game? Been trying to get it working, but I think the last update messed it up.
  3. An ssd is a type of harddrive. I'm not a tech expert, but it's basiclly a faster harddrive. At least compared to an HDD, which is like the standard harddrive.
  4. Cant seem to get this to work. Does it work with JMRP? Or does it interfere somehow?
  5. Hi! That fixed it! Moving everything over fixed the lag and fps drops. You Sir are a genius!
  6. It's not on my ssd you're right. I guess I could try that. Thanks for the quick response! I really like the loader so I want to use it.
  7. Hey! I when I put the mod in the directory I get fps drops in game. Even with no mods installed. I also don't get the 3 beeps when I launch the game. Any clue what is causing this?
  8. The mod loader causes small drops in fps and some stuttering in my game. Any ideas/solutions?
  9. I’m experiencing fps drops when I add the asi loader (dinput8.dll) into my game directory. The drops are normally around 5 to 15 frames. I’ve tried capping the frames from everything from 30 fps to 144 fps, same issue. It seems to be most prevalent while on horseback and riding fast. The drops are the same no matter the graphic settings, and without the asi loader I get a solid 80 to 100 fps at 2K everything ultra. I’ve tried everything and I’m compleatly out of ideas. Any help would be amazing.
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