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  1. hey, could you share some of the natives used to lobotomize npcs? im particularly interested in the ones disabling talking to them, it could be very helpful for something im doing!
  2. this mod is great, some things that could be nice could be teleporting targeted npc to you. also making any npc killable without making them pariah, i really like the pariah hotkey because i can use it on an npc that is unkillable and then kill them but yeah if it was possible to make another option to do this without making them pariah would be amazing! also it would be pretty fun to teleport onto npcs horses or the other way around, also could it be possible to make an npc hogtied with a hotkey?
  3. please add hotkey options to change and disable some of them because i want to use pariah hotkey but not the other hotkeys
  4. please add an option to make npcs only fight eachother and not the player, and also option for them to fight eachother unarmed no melee weapons or guns
  5. im really hoping this mod gets more updates soon, its such a great mod and alot can be done with it! another person finally figured out how to use companion weapons for one
  6. did you just replace all "STANDARD_PED_KID_DAMAGE" with "STANDARD_PED_DAMAGE" or is there more changes?
  7. this is great, could you tell me exactly which lines were changed in metapeds.ymt? id like combine this with another mod.
  8. Changed Character Name to Tommy
  9. Yo this is amazing for making the game immersive, thank you man!
  10. It would be cool as a mod if you could make playing as a woman more realistic, people won't reject greets, people greet you more often, people don't fight you as often, if someone fights you then people will come defend you, lawmen ignore some of your crimes - idk something like that could be fun, like going around town insulting people but no one says anything in defense and no one says anything to the law, then one dumbass pushes you and half the white knights in the town comes and knocks the shit out of him hahaha could be fun!
  11. You should make witnesses appear less often and have less line of sight at night for realism!
  12. I'm just wondering how exactly you did this? I know weird question maybe but Senexis isn't that fast at updating his mod so if I could do my own modifications that would be amazing but I don't exactly know how. I barely know anything but do you change like the "requirementgroups" or "acquirecosts" somehow? How do you do that, know which lines to change when its all like encrypted or whatever it is? Do you have to go through every single item or can you bulk remove all requirements for all items somehow?
  13. Try checking out the mods on nexus that are called like Sadie in Abigails outfits and stuff like that, that might help you on how to do it, so just find the same files but for any other npc you want and somewhere in there you should be able to change what outfits they use, i'm not that good at modding so i'm not sure how you do it but that's how you find the right files to change atleast.
  14. Deleted all files except version.dll to test this and it seems that version.dll causes the mission "An Honest Day's Labors" to be stuck before you choose to sneak, attack or threaten the bounty hunters, everyone just stops talking and you can kill everyone that you're not supposed to including Sadie and the bounty without the mission failing and if you die you get an infinite loading screen.
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