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Mounthooly last won the day on May 19 2021

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Returning to play RDR2 again after a couple of years and grateful for this info. Thanks.
    Only problem I came across was I have to open/run Rage as administrator, right clicking on my Rage desktop shortcut and select Run As Administrator.. Apart from that it's brilliant, oh, and nothing happens when I hit F5. Going to Valentine Sherrifs office and standing at the desk allows me to Go On Duty, I can change clothes and character at the bed and get weapons from the chest at the end of the bed. Get missions from distraught townsfolk, deal with those pesky O'Driscolls, find the missing horses and have fun.
  2. So I have already completed RDR2 and started to play it again but stopped Nov 2020. I've re-installed RDR2 and have found a saved game at 7.3% progress. Think this is before Uncle takes Arthur and the girls into Valantine for the 1st time. All set now to watch some tutorials and install the mods.

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    1. Mounthooly


      RDRFR has been installed however it didn't open as seen in G17 video. I had to run Rage as administrator, (right mouse on the desktop shortcut). Rage loads and I rode to Valentine and went on duty at the desk in the Sherrifs office. Changed clothes as expected at the bed. Got a few jobs from townsfolks. Later I intend to ride down to the desert and seek employment in the desert wastelands.


      Do y'all think LML trainer will work in RDRFR?

  3. Mounthooly


    I only discovered the LSPDFR community a week ago and then found out about RDRFR. Like my ancestors I'll follow the trail out West and become a Law-Man. I'm starting from scratch with no knowledge but it's going to be fun. The community members have uploaded some great YT videos so I'll be watching them to assist me on my journey. Many thanks to everyone for the contributions they make to the gaming community.
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