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    United States

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  1. There is no slow motion, stop and slow time means the day/night cycle
  2. Loving the mod! I have some wish list things that could really improve it. Changing the weird abbreviated names of NPC & vehicles to their real names (like what you did with weapons) Search function. Time dilation ( slow mo or super speed) Use Wepons in places that disable them (camp, chapter 3 Rhodes, wapiti reservation) Ability to kill Non-killiable NPC's (main characters such as Micah) ^ referring to this point, awkwardly enough i can kill them with a gunship but not with my bodyguards Thanks again and Keep up the Great work
  3. Do you know what the code is for the Hooded Enemy models?
  4. You messed up on the vehicles tho, its giving me NPCs instead
  5. Will their be an option to change NPCs to hostile/friendly. i wanna do NPC battles
  6. Can we change the body guard controls, pressing 1,2,3 are also weapons election buttons. can we make it something not used like [ or ;
  7. anybody know what the soldier is?
  8. all this needs is to be able to go into slow mo from the menu and to have all the weapons and NPC in the menu as well
  9. Only thing i can possibly think to improve it would be to be able to access all NPC models and weapons
  11. Love you mod thank you!!!! Would it be possible to add an in game UI Menu to change the settings to this mod. having to Alt+tab to change settings sometimes crashes my game. Also it would be eassier to access all the models and guns that way
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