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Rhonu last won the day on January 10

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  1. Hey Friend I had a question about the online horses

    First of all I did the hex for the Buckskin Mustang and got 62121AEC

    I was able to find it through OpenIV and extracted it to the desktop like you said

    Then i replaced that text with the Dark Bay example you gave

    Problem is I think with the LML because for some reason the stream folder didnt come with the mod download (i had to create a separate stream folder) and I think this is causing an issue,


    Am I doing this wrong or is it a problem with LML

    1. Rhonu


      What is the issue exactly? Does the horse not show up? Does it still look like a Turkoman?


      It's totally fine to create the stream folder yourself, I did that too so I doubt that's the problem here. What else have you got installed?

    2. rambolambo


      I figured it out friend, I was dumb and didnt extract the lml folder and still had the Modloader folder..........dumb noob move on my part but now I can ride Spirit lmao Im childish

    3. Rhonu


      Awesome, glad it worked XD

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