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  1. Hello again. For some reason this version is causing part of the ini to appear and flicker on screen. It's the same sort of text that appears when you hit f9 to enable or disable the mod. "NPC health: 0 Last damaged bone: 14411 etc, etc" It continues for a few more lines.
  2. @HughJanusIs there any hope of being able to fix the partially invisible gun thing? Or is it just a complete mystery?
  3. Thank you! I'll be able to see if it works a little later.
  4. It'd be much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to consider my issue and reply to me😊
  5. Well ideally I'd like an option to disable all changes to how dropping weapons works and disarming entirely, so none of this happens. Is that not possible?
  6. Hmmm. Well npcs just randomly drop weapons that are partially invisible (I believe in all cases they're normal quality weapons instead of worn, and leave weapon icons on the minimap) when they die (being disarmed or not doesn't matter), so just kill a bunch of people and see if you notice that happen I guess. Sorry I can't really offer any more insight. Thank you for looking into it. Edit: I should also mention that the INI setting that disables disarming is working, I can't disarm lawmen of their handguns, it only occurs with them once they're dead.
  7. "PedDamageOverhaul has been ENABLED. INI Found" The INI changes I made to the core and money settings are working. Is this not an issue you've ever run into?
  8. I also want to add, the invisible weapons thing mentioned in the INI still occurs even with this mods disarming feature is disabled. Is there any way to prevent that completely?
  9. Is it this mod making it so npcs are dropping normal quality weapons? I don't think this was how the game used to be, the only other mod I have is the recommended euphoria mod. Instead of 'worn' many will simply be normal weapons, even leaving weapon icons on the mini-map as if you dropped your own gun there. This is especially true of lawmen.
  10. If your cores are draining much faster with this mod, and so you have to eat far more often, wouldn't that inevitably make Arthur overweight? Is there any way to stop that?
  11. If your cores are draining much faster with this mod, and so you have to eat far more often, wouldn't that inevitably make Arthur overweight? Is there any way to stop that?
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