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GoulactiX last won the day on December 2 2019

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Outlaw (3/10)



  1. I didn't play this game over a year ,,,did anyone make a mod to have john Marston in Epilogue have his original skinny body\hair from the chapters ? rockstar got too fucking lazy and ported his face on Arthur morgen's big body frame . it pisses me off
  2. OpenIV is out so i don't get it ? Some modder did it in GTA V successfully
  3. Hello ??? no progress for this?
  4. There is no head bobbing in GTA 5...and the setting yoh thinnk about applies only to first person. Is Rockatar dumb or something ?
  5. Is it achiveable without OpenIV ?
  6. Trainers have that option . Lenny's or Josh's
  7. I know I ask a lot around this forum...but could it be achiveable right now to disable it in the files ? I imagine it could be pretty easy but I dont know where to look
  8. Non glowing hats can't be saved whatsoever in this game (horse\wardrobe) please someone make them savable in the 'stolen hats' section under wardrobe
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