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GoulactiX last won the day on December 2 2019

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Outlaw (3/10)



  1. I didn't play this game over a year ,,,did anyone make a mod to have john Marston in Epilogue have his original skinny body\hair from the chapters ? rockstar got too fucking lazy and ported his face on Arthur morgen's big body frame . it pisses me off
  2. OpenIV is out so i don't get it ? Some modder did it in GTA V successfully
  3. There is no head bobbing in GTA 5...and the setting yoh thinnk about applies only to first person. Is Rockatar dumb or something ?
  4. I know I ask a lot around this forum...but could it be achiveable right now to disable it in the files ? I imagine it could be pretty easy but I dont know where to look
  5. Non glowing hats can't be saved whatsoever in this game (horse\wardrobe) please someone make them savable in the 'stolen hats' section under wardrobe
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